Saturday, August 29, 2020

Doubt Your Doubt

 A   L   O   H   A  !

Doubt your doubts before 

you doubt yourself.

        Lewis Pugh

A person who 

has good thoughts 

cannot ever be ugly. 

You can have a wonky nose 

and a crooked mouth and a

double chin and stick-out teeth,

but if you have good thoughts 

they will shine out of your face 

like sunbeams and you 

will always look lovely.

Roald Dahl


If you want to 

see the sunshine, 

you have to 

weather the storm.

Frank Lane

You can't have a wrong 

mentality about life and 

expect that you will see 

the bright side of life.

         Bamigboye Olurotimi

 When words are 

both true 

and kind, 

they can change 

the world.



                                cloudia & pixie

Linking To

Saturday Critters


  1. The top screw on the vertical side of the bracket is loose.

  2. Thank you I will look into that, Mike ��

  3. Hello Cloudia,
    Pretty sky shot. I love the Hawk and your Pixie is a sweetie!
    We need more true and kind words. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend! PS, thank so much for leaving me a comment.

  4. Roald Dahl might have been right - but I suspect it takes special eyes (and people) to see beauty shining from within.

  5. Buddha was wonderfully wise, and Pixie is beautifully bonny 😉 Lovely tall Hawaiian palms 🌴 Happy weekend mon amie 🌺

  6. Loving the statue photo with the quote you paired it with. Also your kitty is pretty, Is this a new cat as I haven't visited in sometime?

  7. Same Pixie Cat! Great seeing you Ida


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