Saturday, August 1, 2020


A   L   O   H   A  !
From A Joyful Heart

Sending Aloha

To You!

There’s no need 

to be perfect to 

inspire others. 

Let people get 

inspired by how 

you deal with 

your imperfections.


You were born 

to be real not 

to be perfect. 

You are here 

to be you, not 

to live someone 

else’s life.

Ralph Marston

We are not 

thinking machines 

that feel, we are 

feeling machines 

that think.

 António R. Damásio

I cling to my 

imperfection as 

the very essence 

of my being.

   Anatole France


We Love You,
                                               Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To


  1. Thank you and Pixie. While I was 'puterless I missed you both.

  2. Anatole and I would get along famously!

  3. I love this catalog of cute and inspiring imperfections. Pixie doesn't worry about imperfections as long as there are comfy pillows for sleeping :)

  4. Hello,

    I love all the plants and beautiful trees. Sweet shot of your Pixie.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  5. very nice the cat and beautiful trees photos!
    Greetings Elke

  6. Great quotes for us less than perfect humans! ;-)

  7. How true! Thanks for the video and encouraging words. We sure need them right now! And you know I love quotes! Happy weekend.

  8. Aloha Cloudia and sweet Pixie 🌺 wise words, perfection is vastly overrated 😉


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