Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Don't You Get Weary

 A   L   O   H   A  !

Sometimes, flying 

feels too godlike 

to be attained by man. 


the world from above seems 

too beautiful, too wonderful, 

too distant for human eyes to see.     

                                  Charles A. Lindbergh


Aviation is proof that
given the will, we have
the capacity to achieve
the impossible.    

Eddie Rickenbacker

Distant Dreams of Distant Places

Sweet is the memory 

of distant friends! 

Like the mellow rays of 

the departing sun -

            Washington Irving

My Hawaii:

Surfboards & Vehicles

Ironically, when we own the 

shadow aspects of our self 

and put down our masks - 

this is when we become 

truly lovable.

     Jane Monica-Jones

[Photo of Pre-Covid Times]

In Her Sedan Chair - [Unused for a year]
We're Home Now, Pixie!

Walk together, children, 

don't you get weary,

walk together, children, 

don't you get weary.

walk together, children, 

don't you get weary,

there's a great camp meeting 

in the promised land.

We're gonna walk and never tire,

walk and never tire,

walk and never tire,

there's a great camp meeting 

in the promised land!

                          Traditional American Slave Song


Love You,

                         Pixie & Cloudia


  1. That first shot is glorious!! Thanks for such an inspiring post!

  2. I thought the first picture was a plant of some kind until I saw the plane.

  3. Thank you and Pixie.
    I am weary. Very weary but the wisdom and the beauty you provide give me some energy.

  4. I'm trying so hard not to be weary, Cloudia, but it's hard. It's really hard.

  5. Pixie can have quite an intense stare.


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