Monday, October 26, 2020

Solution Trail

 A   L   O   H   A  !

There are two sides 

to every story. And 

I do mean every story, 

no matter how wrong 

you think it might be.

    Marushia Dark

Being Prosecutors

of one another

is the opposite

of love your neighbor.

Why do the accuser's work?

Pointing fingers

gets us nowhere.

Hearing the other's

real concern

puts us on Solution Trail

Ice Crystals

Showing gratitude 

is one of the simplest 

yet most powerful things 

humans can do for each other.

 Randy Pausch

When you practice 


there is a sense of 

respect toward others.

 Dalai Lama

There is a story 

for every storyteller.

Kenneth Eade


We Love You,

                                         Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To


  1. There are at least two sides to every story. And sometimes more.
    Kindness, gratitude and listening are all much better than finger pointing and blame.

  2. Pixie is telling a story of love gratitude for premium cat food, catnip and sunspots. We need to learn from her and build bridges of compassion and kindness between our citadels.

  3. Beautiful pics.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  4. Meeting in the middle of the two sides can be difficult.

  5. Fabulous quotes Cloudia. Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.

  6. Many people see only their own side.

  7. Estoy segura de que este Mural, sería del agrado de muchos niños y de todo aquel que siga conservando el espíritu del niño, que hemops sido en el pasado.

  8. Beautiful bird of paradise blooms.They are exotic flowers.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening where you can share about plants and flowers here at

  9. Thanks for joining at Garden Affair.


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