Thursday, November 26, 2020

Dawning On Me

 A   L   O   H   A  !

The discomfort of growing, of

seeing where you've been wrong,

is the dragon guarding

the treasure.

Too many are scared away.

Courtesy & Confidence

are married.

At their best


Only forces Greater Than I

are Right every time.

Working WITH Them is

sanity & chance to be more.

Defensive is Depressed.

Losing oneself in Grandeur

is Grand!

"What Is" 
is the only 
way to be.

Don't fool yourself.


Loving You Is Right.

We Don't want to be wrong!

Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To


  1. Thank you both.
    I am frequently wrong - but hope I learn from my multitude of mistakes.

  2. Spectacular sky shots today. We always need to keep learning and growing no matter how much we ache from the growing pains. Thanks for the beautiful reminder with shots of Pixie bookending the message (almost).

  3. Seeing where you've been wrong can bring the plans of a perfectionist to a screeching halt.

  4. Trying to learn from my mistakes. ;-)

  5. Stunning visuals and profound messages. Thank you.

  6. Beautiful sky shots. It takes humility and courage to admit that we are wrong. Have a beautiful weekend.

  7. Beautiful skies and beautiful quotes. Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one!


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