Thursday, November 12, 2020

Eyes On Skies

 A   L   O   H   A  !

Anyone who isn't confused 

really doesn't understand 

the situation.

       Edward R. Murrow 

Small opportunities are 

often the beginning of 

great enterprises.


Wolves don't perform 

in a circus, and people 

with a mind of their own, 

don't perform in 

a circus either.

           Avijeet Das

Pixie Behind Glass

People are like 

stained - glass windows. 

They sparkle and shine 

when the sun is out, but 

when the darkness sets in, 

their true beauty is revealed 

only if there is a 

light from within.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Love You,

                     Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To


  1. Any day with a rainbow - or a Pixie - is immediately made better.

  2. Pixie in the sky with rainbows!! She is definitely sparking and shining by her windows on the world!

  3. Hello,

    Beautiful skies and rainbow! Love the Pixie!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. I always liked Edward R. Murrow's quote. It's 'nail on the head' material.

  5. I agree about the small opportunities quote. Those are always the best. Thanks for linking up and have a great week!

  6. Of course, cats always have the best wisdom.

  7. Aloha to you. Someone with my name and a popoki as well.

    Living in Hawaii -- well, someone has to do it. Sigh .....

    Claudia & furkids

  8. Loving your wonderful skies!

    Thanks for sharing your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!


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