Monday, November 2, 2020

Try Wait

 A   L   O   H   A  !

If you are waiting for anything 

in order to live and love 

without holding back, 

then you suffer. . .

. . . Every moment is the most 

important moment of your life. 

No future time is better than 

now to let down 

your guard and love.     

   David Deida

You usually have to wait 

for that which is 

worth waiting for.     

Craig Bruce

And sure enough 

even waiting will end...

if you can just 

wait long enough.     

William Faulkner

Whatever we are waiting for -

- peace of mind, contentment, 

grace, the inner awareness 

of simple abundance -

- it will surely come to us, 

but only when we are ready 

to receive it with an open

 and grateful heart.     

   Sarah Ban Breathnach


Is there a local dialect, or way of speaking
that marks someone as "Local" in your area?
The Boston Accent, Cockney, and the broad
Australian swagger are all well-known world-wide!
In Hawaii, all the different nationalities
working on the plantation created a way
to communicate, work together, and build
community in this new land. It is called
Pidgin. It includes foreign words (English,
Japanese, etc.) all set to the music of
Hawaiian grammar.  A Pidgin speaker
says: "Big Da Dog!" We speak pidgin
to one another and it speaks volumes.
Particularly with my light skin, I like to
let folks know I'm Da Kine Local
right away. I've been training for 
over 30 years to be a Hawaii older
person: a Kupuna (Hawaiian word).
That shtick didn't go in California,
people thought I was ignorant.
Glad we're home. Pixie is a local-
born Popoki (Cat in Hawaiian) once
more. It's actually kind of a nice break
to have the Islands mostly to ourselves,
though many work in tourism and we
feel it believe me.
Bu right now, we need to be patient,
to Aloha one another and get 
through the challenges.

Try Wait, Eh?!

You can learn more about 
Hawaiian Pidgin

Love You,

             Cloudia & Pixie-in-the-roses

Linking To


  1. Believe me the Australian swagger is NOT universal.
    I love that you and Pixie have come home. Your hearts never left.

  2. Around St. Louis there is supposedly a twang but I seldom hear it. Highway 44 goes through the city and some people call it Highway Farty Far. My dad used to call the thing in the kitchen with the faucet on it the zink. I still hear that every once in a while.

  3. Is Pixie playing "Where's Waldo?" or is she just waiting for Godot? I'm glad you're home and enjoying your place. We just have to settle into the now and love life.

  4. Hello,

    Love the last Pixie photo, pretty moon capture!
    Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day! Have a great week!

  5. Pixie looks happy in the plants! I don't think we have a twang here.

  6. Thanks, You All! (Southern US : Y' All)

  7. The kitty is adorable, but the food is a huge awww. That is worth waiting for.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥

  8. Interesting commentary on accents and dialects...I guess it's the same the world over.

  9. Waiting does end, but I think we humans are a bit impatient.

  10. I didn't know y'all spoke Pidgin in Hawaii!
    The "y'all" ought to give you a hint where I'm from!
    Thanks for sharing at


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