Saturday, December 12, 2020

Familiar Glances

 A   L   O   H   A  !

The clouds, – the only birds

 that never sleep.

Victor Hugo

 Don't mek goat watchman 

fe breadfruit tree.

           Jamaican Wisdom

"Don't make a goat 
the watchman for 
a breadfruit tree."

Nature is a temple in which

 living columns sometimes 

emit confused words. 

We approach it through 

forests of symbols, which 

observe us 

with familiar glances.     

Charles Baudelaire


In a forest of a hundred 

thousand trees, no two 

leaves are alike. And 

no two journeys along 

the same path are alike.     

Paulo Coelho


Love You,

                           Cloudia & Pixie


  1. What a gorgeous post! I love the Jamaican proverb. So, the burning question that I now have is: Who or what is Pixie planning to hit with her ball? Will she hit the bird in the picture above her? the little wooden image in the big tree? Or, has she been hired by the goats to knock down the breadfruit for their morning snack?

  2. Nature is indeed a temple - and one I am happy to worship in.

  3. You are an accolyte of nature for sure!

  4. At first, I thought the first picture was upside down. I had to flip it in my mind. But I can flip it back too.

  5. Hello,

    Pretty bird and I always enjoy seeing your cute Pixie.
    Great quotes and images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  6. Your cat is so cute! :) I love that little mermaid by the tree! :)

  7. I love that last quote. We have a hike planned for the afternoon...down a familiar trail but we'll see something different every time! Happy weekend. holiday hugs!

  8. Pixie says that no 2 cats are alike either. One of a kind!

  9. Super quotes Cloudia. Fabulous skies in first shot.. Pixie gets more lovely everytime we see her 💛💙

  10. Last quote is a paean to individuality. Not even two leaves are alike, like people, cats, snowflakes, anything not mass produced. A pleasure to read and see your gorgeous photos


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