Friday, January 8, 2021


A   L   O   H   A  !

Let my soul smile 

through my heart and my 

heart smile through my eyes, 

that I may scatter 

rich smiles in sad hearts.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Be willing to be a beginner 

every single morning.

 Meister Eckhart

To be astonished 
is one of the surest ways 
of not growing old 
too quickly.

Just to be is a blessing. 

Just to live is holy.

    Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel


Love You,
              Pixie & Cloudia

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  1. Thanks for spreading smiles in the midst of our astonishment! Love the smiling dog in the first picture and the smiling Cloudia in the last pic!

  2. I want to as happy as a dog hanging out a moving car window.

  3. The happy dog was a treat to see!

  4. Nice to see you! Yes, a lot of sad hearts in the world right now, but your blog helps spread the smiles!

  5. Lovely photos. And it's nice to see you.

  6. Greetings and Salutations!
    Such happy thoughts present themselves in each photograph. Right now it is hard to see if a person is grumpy or smiling because we are all wearing masks or should be. Perhaps we should just believe behind that mask is a happy person and tra la la home.

  7. What a burst through the clouds. Must have been magical seeing the real thing. TFS!

  8. Violas and Irises are always been my favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.Keep on linking.


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