Sunday, February 14, 2021


 A   L   O   H   A  !

Today is a new day...

Make a pact with yourself 

to not be defined 

by your past.

Steve Maraboli

Some people, no matter 

how old they get, never 

lose their beauty -

they merely move it

from their faces

into their hearts.

            Martin Buxbaum

Construction Cathedral,

Stained Glass Detail

A happy person is not 

a person in a certain set

of circumstances, but

rather a person with

a certain set 

of attitudes.

    Hugh Downs

The light in your soul

is far greater

than the darkness.

Shine your light.

Lailah Gifty Akita


Love You,

            Cloudia & Pixie


  1. I see the guy working on the street borrowed some machinery from the IRS.

  2. Thank you, E.C. Mike: I laughed out loud!

  3. I look forward to each new day 😊 Recognise the blue flowers Cloudia, we call it plumbago, how about you?

  4. Great post for this snowy morning!

  5. Aloha sweet sis Cloudia and adorable Pixie, Yes, my attitude is bursting through these frozen temps and knowing we shall survive this too! Yikes, it's hard when I'm walking around the house in winter boots and so many layers! But hey my attitude says spring is on the way, prepare! Stay safe, mask up, sweet Cloudia.

  6. Love the post today. Thanks for letting your light shine through!


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