Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Mind Wandering Wednesday

 A   L   O   H   A  !

One woman is a 

tiny divine spark in 

a timeless sisterhood 

tapestry collective; all

of us are Wild Women.

          Jan Porter

Success doesn’t measure 

a human being, 

effort does.

     Adam M. Grant

I arise in the morning 

torn between a desire 

to improve the world and 

a desire to enjoy the world,

         E. B. White 

I was eleven, 

then I was sixteen. 

Though no honors 

came my way, those 

were the lovely years. 

 Truman Capote

The Rabbi told this story
and it's his only one that I remember.

"When I was a little boy I had so much fun!"
Playing with others, running, playing with my toys.
I thought it would never get better than that.

But I enjoyed school too, growing more and more,
dating and playing sports with my friends.
It would never get better than that, I thought.

At Yeshiva (Seminary) I played on the basketball team.
We even won the big championship!
This has to be the high point of my life I thought,
celebrating with my team.

Meeting the perfect woman,
Marrying her!
Life could never be happier than this,"
he told us. And paused a long time.

Then one day, his perfect wife was
bringing  a new life into the world.
Waiting nearby, he realized: 
"This is  must be life's highest moment!"

He turned to his father,
also a Rabbi, and told him this.

His father only shined and replied.
"No. Seeing your first grandchild enter the world.
THIS is life's greatest moment!"

I have been through some tough times,
but have many happy memories
of mountaintop moments!

Riding with my sisters
in the motorcycle club
that we started,
was a REAL high for sure.

So many more.
Each day in Hawaii
is an epic mural of
beauty and light.

I hope you savor
the place that is
yours too.

Strange to write of high points
during this pandemic,
while many of us grew some,
others became gruesome.

But I DO.
I feel the peak
when I see YOU!

Carry on.
It does get better.
Much has been exposed
in order to be put right.

I'm deeply hopeful.

Thank YOU
for being a real friend!

    Cloudia & Pixie


  1. I refuse to define 'best' moments. They are yet to come.

  2. Beautiful written Cloudia!

    And beautiful photoes as well :)))

  3. "all of us are Wild Women."
    Thank goodness!

  4. Seeing Pixie is a good way to start the day.

  5. Yes, yes, yes, it WILL get better. It MUST. (and these are not Trumpian caps!)

  6. When I look back there isn't much I would change. My story is good for me!

  7. Thanks for spreading optimism, hope, love, and good cheer.

  8. Wonderful post! We must always try to look to the high points. My Mum told me about this man in the air raid shelters during WWII, while the bombs were dropping all around them, he told stand-up jokes and had them all laughing. I have always remembered that story and the stories of a similar vein from other family and friends who are no longer here. This was part of my childhood, being told to look for the high points when things seemed dire. Hard to do I know but I try.

  9. Friko, Pat, T, God love you!
    Thanks, D, for sharing your British Magic with us! We shall certainly remain calm and carry on laughing. I love each of you, my Dear pals

  10. Aloha Cloudia, Sisterhood together that is us! I enjoyed your Rabbi story too, thanks for sharing it!

  11. Both, the photos and the words radiate much needed positivity. Thank you.

  12. Always enjoy your own wise words Cloudia, and yes I love where I am, it took a while to get here 😉


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