Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 A L O H A From Honolulu!

Green was the silence, 

Wet was the light...

Pablo Neruda

Guard well your spare moments.

They are like uncut diamonds.

Discard them and their value

will never be known. 

Improve them and they will

become the brightest gems

in a useful life. 

       Ralph Waldo Emerson

I want to take 

all our best moments, 

put them in a jar, and 

take them out like cookies 

and savor each one 

of them forever. 

   Crystal Woods

I've always believed in

savoring the moments.

In the end, they are the

only things we'll have.

Anna Godbersen


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Linger for a drink?


  1. "In the end, they are the only things we'll have."
    Every moment is a moment no matter what kind of moment.

  2. Thanks for sharing the wonderful moments that you captured with your photo lens. Love those lucky cats beckoning people to come in and drink!

  3. Hooray for those precious moments.
    And for you and for Pixie.

  4. Take time to enjoy life as you only get one shot at it all and you never know when it might come to an end. Don't regret not taking time to do what you really love.

  5. It's a little upsetting to see so many young and not so young people spending too many precious moments with eyes on their phones instead of their surroundings, ah well, I must be getting old 😉😀💜

  6. Beautiful photos and quotes, you really have to enjoy every moment, who knows what’s around the corner, who knew this virus would arrive and change our lives, take care
    HappyT Day
    Jan x

  7. Love the quotes today - so true, all of them! The pics are great especially the first green one!

  8. I especially liked the Emerson quote and photo. Pixie looked good today. Of course, I especially like your choice of drink photos because it had an Asian flare. Thanks for sharing your great photos and quotes to go with your drink photo.

  9. EXCELLENT Comments. Thanks EACH of you!

  10. Gorgeous images and quotes 😁. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. Always wonderful images and quotes. Happy T Day and snuggles for Pixie.

  12. The green shot is lovely! Very textured

  13. Beautiful captures and wise words as always.

  14. Pixie, please tell your mommy she gives us the most beautiful photos and wise words ;)

  15. Oh my gosh what an adorable photo at the end of Pixie! Best ever. I’ve been guarding my spare moments being disconnected and spending with family! I really needed a break if only our trips could be longer!

  16. What a lovely cat! Happy T day

  17. Great post.

    So happy to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  18. I am all for savouring moments - I take photos but often the best moments are those where you are enjoying the moment so much that cameras aren't needed! Lovely photos here today , especially Pixie - a real treasure! Very belated Happy T Day wishes, Chrisxx

  19. Oh my gosh, I am so late commenting. I actually visited Wednesday but ended up having the buzzer on the laundry interupt me and I then I didn't realize I hadn't commented. Very distracting week for me.

    Your words here ring so true - you always have the best quotes. Love your pictures too. Your cat is always the star. Happy late T-day. Love your post.


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