Thursday, June 24, 2021

Knows Shows Grows

 A L O H A From Honolulu!

In everyone's life, 

at some time, our 

inner fire goes out. 

It is then burst into flame 

by an encounter with 

another human being. 

We should all be thankful 

for those people who 

rekindle the inner spirit.

Albert Schweitzer

My life is my argument.

 Albert Schweitzer

We cannot possibly let 

ourselves get frozen into 

regarding everyone 

we do not know as 

an absolute stranger.

Albert Schweitzer

Leave the door 
ajar for me.

A leader is one 

who knows the way, 

goes the way, and 

shows the way. 

   John C. Maxwell

Do something wonderful, 

people may imitate it. 

Albert Schweitzer

Love You - Good Luck,

        Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To


  1. Great quotes today. Pixie is definitely showing us the way to relax and enjoy life! The puppy in the last shot is adorable. He wants to go through that door left ajar, too...

  2. Adorable photos of Pixie, and the one of the lady and little dog. Great pictures and quotes! Enjoy your day Cloudia. Thank you for my daily dose of wise :)

  3. Hello Cloudia,
    Great quotes and beautiful photos.
    I love the plant and skies shots.
    Have a happy day!

  4. Wonderful Albert S quotes. Another series of fab Waikiki images, those tall palm trees are amazing 💚
    P.s. thanks for signing to save Bocellis, they need all the help they can get 💜

  5. Love the Schweitzer quotes! And that wee dog.

  6. Albert had some great quotes! Thanks for linking up, Cloudia. I hope Pixie is well:)


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