Saturday, June 5, 2021

Not Embarrassed to Say

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The ideals which have


shone before me and

filled me with joy are

goodness, beauty, and


Albert Einstein

New ideas are sometimes 

found in the most 

granular details of a problem 

where few others bother to look. 

             Nate Silver

I went to an outdoor 

restaurant for  lunch.

Total disaster. 

Poured with rain. 

Took me 2 hours to 

finish my soup!

Excelsior  “Ever upward!”

Chick & Mother

Be as a bird perched

on a frail branch that she

feels bending beneath her,

still she sings away

all the same, knowing

she has wings.

Victor Hugo

The satisfactions

of agreement are

immediate as sugar

a melting of the

granular, a syrup

that lingers, shared

not singular.

Many prefer it. 

 Kay Ryan


Love You - Good Luck,

            Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To


  1. Albert Einstein was a very wise man.

  2. Isn't wonderful to have wings??? I love the pup in the stroller who wants to fly and Pixie looking surprised that a dog would try to launch itself into the air. Cool shots today. Thanks for spreading love and wisdom.

  3. Hello Cloudia,

    Wonderful captures of the sky and reflection. Beautiful Waikiki scene.
    The dogs are cute, love the birds and your sweet Pixie.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a great day and a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Cute pups, though not as cute as Pixie.

  5. I envy the birds being able to fly from danger!

  6. Aloha Cloudia and Pixie! Albert was a wise soul wasn't he? Your beautiful city shines, although the stove photo brings a funny story from my Michigan trip, (there's a restaurant Dumpster Water Grill) with the most hilarious of descriptions. Enjoy your weekend, take care.

  7. I love the reflections in the first photo! Just a picture postcard!

  8. I love that Victor Hugo quote. That’s so lovely. I hope you guys are having a great weekend. I love that soup quote too. So funny.

  9. Each of you is appreciated 💕

  10. Thanks for lending the link to this post for us all at IRBB this weekend. Your blog is a treasure.

  11. Enjoyed all the quotes. And your photos. Hope you have a wonderful new week.


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