Thursday, October 14, 2021

Bathe In The Splendor

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
Nothing exists except atoms
and empty space;
everything else is opinion.

You have no need 
to go anywhere. 
Journey into yourself. 
Enter a mine of rubies 
and bathe 
in the splendor 
of your own light. 

The best way to persuade
people is with your ears-
-by listening to them.
     Dean Rusk

Forever is composed
of nows.
    Emily Dickinson

When life is sweet,
say thank you
and celebrate.
When life is bitter,
say thank you and grow.  
                                 Shauna Niequist

Love You,
     Cloudia & Pixie




  1. I think Pixie would rather nap a few more hours.

  2. Love that last quote about the sweet and the bitter. Pixie is telling us that it is time to grow (gratefully)!

  3. I was going to let Democritus know that atoms are mostly empty space. So I look it up to verify that premise. Nope, not on the quantum level. On the quantum level, there is no empty space anywhere.

  4. Gorgeous shot of Pixie.
    Listening is a gift (and very tiring when done properly).

  5. Dang Mike! You're right!
    "Atoms are not mostly empty space because there is no such thing as purely empty space. Rather, space is filled with a wide variety of particles and fields. ... It's true that a large percentage of the atom's mass is concentrated in its tiny nucleus, but that does not imply that the rest of the atom is empty.Jan 12, 2013 › 2013/01/12 ›

  6. So true, EC. when you pay attention it costs! That's why it's a gift we give to the people we care about. Thanks so much for visiting

  7. Pixie says "Thank you". Life is good for her.

  8. I love your cat!
    Such great photos and quotes.


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