Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Ever My Delight

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Morning is the dream renewed,
the heart refreshed, earth's
forgiveness painted in
the colors of the dawn.
   Kent Nerburn

For what human ill
does not dawn seem
to be an alleviation?
Thornton Wilder

Is not this a beautiful morning?
The sun shines into my soul.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Not least, 't is ever my delight
To drink the early morning light;
To take the air upon my tongue
And taste it while the day is young...
Philip Henry Savage 1898

There is no snooze button on
a cat who wants breakfast. 
Author unknown
(Probably hiding from her cat!)

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


  1. I do love dawn - but that last one is sooooo right. A hungry cat most definitely does not have a snooze button.

  2. LOL We do know don't we, Honey!

  3. Love the light and shadow of your morning pictures. Pixie is indignant that you would expose her secret gluttony.

  4. Indignant yes! Look at that face

  5. "snooze button on a cat"
    I would rig up a system where you would pull a string and dump the food into her bowl. Would not even have to get out of bed.

  6. Hello,
    Love the shadows, beautiful photos.
    Pixie looks as if she did not want to be disturbed.
    Take care, have a great day!

  7. I'm not a morning person but would love to walk under those palm trees in the morning.

  8. Morning sky is so refreshing to look at. The tree shadows are artistic


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