Saturday, November 6, 2021

Simply Say

A L O H A From Honolulu!

You make your life hard

by always being

in your head.

Life is simple,

get out of your head

and get into the moment.

Sylvester  McNutt

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

"Why are you so nice
even to people who
are rude to you?"

- "Because I, too, have
been rude to nice people,
& I know that rudeness
comes from a place of
roaring pain. & only
kindness soothes it."
  Bibhudatta Tripathy

I follow three rules:
Do the right thing,
do the best you can, and
always show people you care. 
     Lou Holtz

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

If someone gives you something,
be it money, a compliment, or
a gift, say Thank You sincerely.
Respect their intention.
Don't stammer, don't refuse,
don't deflect. Look them
in the eye and say
"Thank You."

The love for all
living creatures is
the most noble
attribute of man.
  Charles Darwin

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To


  1. Hooray for kindness - which we all need.

  2. Love those three rules and the living beings connected to this blog, especially Ms. Pixie Cat and that cute little gecko. (Does the gecko speak with an Australian accent or does it speak Hawaiian?)

  3. I just love all these quotes. They are certainly thoughts to live by.

  4. We have an orchid plant that hasn't bloomed in ... I don't know if it ever has. And we've had it a long time. Now it's down to its last dying leaf. I really need to check the google and see if anyone knows how to save it.

  5. Hawaii Orchid Society to the rescue!

    Love each of you ❤️

  6. Hello,

    The Orchid tree is beautiful, I love the blooms.
    Cute shots of the lizard and your sweet Pixie.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for your comment, link and visit.

  7. I like the shadows in the first pic.

    My latest post:

  8. That first picture is fabulous.
    Nice little lizard being too.

  9. A lovely post. Being nice is the best way to go!

  10. Aloha Cloudia and thank you for this visit to your lovely world. A lot of your quotes especially hit home for me today. I always wonder what goes through the mind of some random folks that happen by (speaking now from my work days not out and about in cities) and you greet them cheerfully and they merely give you a blank stare if that. What is up with that I cannot imagine not responding to someone, it's the #1 question of my days. I almost forgot the Hong Kong pink orchid is amazing. Beautiful. Aloha and sweet hug for Pixie.

  11. I think my heart is in Hawaii today and can feel the sun's warm and see all the beautiful flowers :) Thank you Cloudia. I love that last quote particularly and saved it only a week ago. Always love your photos and quotes. Thank you my friend :)

  12. I love that first quote. I am guilty of trying to think things if it really matters or will turn out like I think it will. I need to just go with the flow more. Enjoy your weekend! Sweet hugs!

  13. I have been asked the same question- why am I nice to those who are rude to me?- and my silence, or my spoken answer is the same one as here. We all can make the effort to be kind and let it go around. I didn't know orchids grew on trees til now! Thank you & Namaste


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