Sunday, December 26, 2021

Ticking Through the Storm

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Avoid putting fat
down the drain and
blocking the sewerage pipes.
Add rolled oats to fat
in the pan to absorb the fat.
Then feed it to the birds.
They love it. It's win win!

Practice accepting people
for who they are
including YOURSELF.
  Tomoko Ella 

Say less, be more.

And don't argue at all.

Quiet minds cannot be
perplexed or frightened but
go on in fortune or misfortune
at their own private pace,
like a clock during
a thunderstorm.
  Robert Louis Stevenson 

We Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

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  1. Which post is not like the rest? Three rows down, forth from the right.

  2. What a great tip with the rolled oats and the fat.
    Arguing takes more energy than I have to spare.

  3. Hello,

    Love the photos and the quotes. Great idea for using up the fat with the oats and feeding the birds. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Pixie doesn't argue! Hope your day was grand.

  5. Pixie is looking particularly distinguished today.

  6. I don't often fry, but when I do I throw the oil in the rubbish bin, but what a great idea to use it for the birds.
    Beautiful photos and quotes Cloudia.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals, hope you had a lovely Christmas and wishing you a wonderful 2022.

  7. Thank you for that beautiful Christmas wish my friend may all your dreams come true 💞

  8. Our city got a letter telling us to not put fat down our pipes because they were spending all their time cleaning the pipes. Great idea about the oatmeal.

    That is an unusual and very colorful mural, dear. Have a super safe, healthy New Year, Cloudia.


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