Sunday, March 27, 2022

After The Storm, Rainbow Cake

A L O H A From Honolulu!

After the rain, the
sun will reappear.

There is life.

After the pain, the
joy will still be here.
    Walt Disney

After a day of cloud
and wind and rain
Sometimes the setting
sun breaks out again,
And touching all the
darksome woods with light,
Smiles on the fields
until they laugh and sing,
Then like a ruby
from the horizon's ring,
Drops down into
the night
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Only rainbows after rain ....
The sun will always
come again.
   Andy Grammer

There, about a dozen times
during the day, the wind
drives over the sky
the swollen clouds,
which water the earth
copiously, after which
the sun shines brightly,
as if freshly bathed,
and floods with a
golden luster the rocks,
the river, the trees,
and the entire jungle.
   Henryk Sienkiewicz

Growing up, I heard
a lot about strength.
My dad -
a Holocaust survivor -
embodied it, though he
would never say that
about himself.
Not only did he survive
one of the most horrific
events in history, but
he never lost hope
along the way,
crediting acts
of kindness with
keeping him alive.
   Daniel Lubetzky

 Love comforeth like
sunshine after rain,
Love's gentle spring
doth always
fresh remain;

 My soul was like a
summer evening,
after a heavy fall of rain,
when the drops are yet
glistening on the trees
in the last rays of
the down-going sun...
 George MacDonald


March 26:
Hawaii has dropped the
Mask Mandate,
[last US State to do so]
as well as pre-travel
covid testing for visitors.

Today felt different.
Hope breathed.
After tense months,
people seem relaxed.
Foreign languages are
heard once more
in Waikiki.

My mask will continue
to travel with me,
and it will be some time
before I dine publicly indoors.

Slow & Steady.
Celebrate EVERY win!

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Monday Murals 


  1. Your quotes today are very upbeat for those of us still waiting for real spring weather!

    best… mae at

  2. ...the taggers have hit Honolulu I see! Enjoy the sunshine.

  3. Thanks for such an uplifting post. Enjoy life with your mask in your pocket, ready to be whipped out at a moment's notice!

  4. Thank goodness for our father's and you've mentioned him before they have taught us so much, so much to be thankful for and connect with life. That cake is amazing, and now I'm totally cake-hungry! Aloha to you and Pixie with hugs.

  5. I was trying to figure out what you meant by 'rainbow cake' and thought it was some fun tradition of some sort. I love the surprise and your positive words.

  6. I'm with you on the masking. I really don't trust it with the variants lurking. My grandson several years ago had rainbow cake for his birthday when they were visiting. He LOVED it. We all did!

  7. No, pixie is an only cat.
    But on a small island. I'm sure all of the cats are distant relations. That was a feral cat living near the beach.

  8. A lovely uplifting post. Beautiful rainbow cake. Sad about the murals. Tagging hurts everyone except the tagger!

  9. The rainbow cake is beautiful, so are today's quotes.
    A lot of smiling faces on those murals. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.


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