Friday, March 4, 2022

Renaissance Of Wonder

A L O H A From Honolulu!

It takes great wit
and interest and
energy to be happy.
The pursuit of happiness is a great activity.
One must be open and alive. It is the greatest feat
to accomplish. Robert Herrick

A bus ride is like being
in another world.
J.A. Redmerski

Whatever you can do
do it today and then
old age will be
a delicious fruit.
Nhat Hanh 

You're only as young as
the last time you
changed your mind.
 Timothy Leary 

I like the central, vertical cloud,
like a religious painting

2013 "Who Am I - Where Am I?"

We need a
renaissance of wonder.
We need to renew,
in our hearts and
in our souls, the
deathless dream,
the eternal poetry,
the perennial sense
that life is miracle
and magic.
E. Merrill Root


We Love You,
Cloudia & Me



  1. I love the phrase "renaissance of wonder." That's what your blog gives us every day. The throwback shot of Pixie is adorable.

  2. Beautiful post, love the sky images. Lovely bloom and your cute Pixie.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great weekend!

  3. Do it today while you can! ;-)

  4. A lot warmer there than it is here.

  5. Terrific sunset photo, beautiful flowers, and it looks so warm and inviting in your pictures.

  6. Where did this post come from? What day is it?!

  7. Acidy colors on the first one. Second one is nicely framed. The third one is nice street photography. Me likes ém all. Meow to Pixie!

  8. Good shots! I like the way the plants frame the bus.

  9. Beautiful and colorful images. I've also enjoy your instagram feed. You are a very prolific photographer!!


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