Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Bold Root

A L O H A From Honolulu!

If you see what needs
to be REPAIRED and
how to repair it,
then you have found
that God has left
YOU to complete...

 ...But if you only see
what is WRONG and
ugly in the world, then
it is you YOURSELF
that needs repair.
 The Lubavitcher Rebbe

If you're in the
middle of the ocean
with no flippers and
no life preserver
and you hear
a helicopter,
this is music.
  Tom Waits

The Bell 407 is a four-blade, single-engine,
civil utility helicopter. A derivative of the
Bell 206L-4 LongRanger, the 407 uses the
four-blade, soft-in-plane design rotor
with composite hub developed for the
United States Army's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior
instead of the two-blade, semi-rigid,
teetering rotor of the 206L-4. 

They flash upon
that inward eye, 
which is the
bliss of solitude,

And then my heart
with pleasure fills, 

- and dances
with the daffodils.
  William Wordsworth

We don't see these local heroes
around town so much anymore.
This grey haired gentleman
around my age is proudly
representing his father
(I asked - and thanked him).
These are the ones
whose families
were in many cases interned
by the 
US. They shot the lock off
the gates of at least one
European concentration camp,
liberating another hated people.

They came home, and built our
modern Hawaii. Among them,
Senator Dan Inouye (D-HI)
long high up in the line
of presidential succession
based on his long seniority.
I used to chat with his security
detail in the neighborhood
when he was at home in
Waikiki. War hero, Watergate
hearings principal, dean of
the Senate. 

How does the Meadow flower
its bloom unfold? Because
the lovely little flower
is free down to its root,
and in that freedom bold. 
  William Wordsworth

Love You,
 Pixie & Cloudia


Read about the 
442 Heroes


  1. Beautiful pics and true words!
    Thank you.

  2. If you see what needs to be REPAIRED and how to repair it, you have an engineering brain.

  3. There is a lot wrong with me - and a lot right with the world.

  4. Such a thoughtful post! Thanks for sharing all this information.

  5. Hello,
    Love the beautiful skies and blooms. Pixie is always adorable.

  6. Thanks for sharing the beautiful flowers. The beauty of the Hawaiian landscape!


  7. The lovely flowers are a treat on what is a grey day here.

  8. Dear Cloudia,
    I really love the first quote (and the wonderful sunset) :-)
    All the best to you and sweet Pixie and Servus from Austria!

  9. Thank you for the enlightenment Cloudia, a very thought provoking post.

  10. Love the flowers! I am so glad it is spring here.

  11. The 442nd and Daniel Inouye did some extraordinary things over the course of that war.

  12. I especially love your first two quotes.


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