Saturday, June 11, 2022

Our Conversation

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Learn to see the world as a place of becoming. Things that bother you are only undeveloped. Never let yourself be disappointed for long. If you keep looking for the dawn,
to work for it, to be patient
and confident, you will be rewarded. Failure is temporary. Your resilience, and
the character that
you build
with every good choice are yours forever.

Regard every annoyance
as passing.
It is.

If you are confident
in your beliefs,
you do not need
to enforce them.
You only need
to live them. 

Today is a good day to
reevaluate your habits.
What has stopped
working for you?
Small changes can
lead to big happiness.

though crushed to earth
shall rise again. William Cullen Bryant

Words Have Power.
NEVER say anything that
you do NOT want to be true.
Immediately contradict a
negative with its opposite.
Repeat positive ideas
you believe in
and they
will fill your life! 

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie



Happy 100th Birthday

Judy Garland


  1. I love that sentence about confidently living your beliefs! I am convinced that Pixie lives by that rule of thumb. The cute lizard does, too. Gorgeous shots today and wonderfully wise words.

  2. Hello Cloudia,
    Beautiful critters and sky photo. Pixie always looks adorable and very photogenic.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. I believe that about words too.

  4. Vivid photos and interesting quotes!!

    best... mae at

  5. Words have power...that is so true. And I try to live my life as an example of what I believe...instead of expounding my beliefs. Enjoy your weekend!

  6. Words to guide us today, Cloudia.
    Judy would be 100, Wow.

  7. "Regard every annoyance as passing."
    I'm still waiting for tRUMP to go away.

  8. Pixie is wondering where the catnip is.

  9. Adding to Mike: Unfortunately, passing sometimes takes a few decades.

  10. Pixie, hibiscus, but the lizard is my favourite!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  11. Aloha Cloudia, you are spot on about words, and saying things, we were having that discussion at work just today! Dream big and be wishful, take care and enjoy your lovely sunshine. It's still quite sunny here at 6:16 pm and it refreshes the soul!

  12. Love the quote about the power of words. Nice mural on the bus and cute photo of Pixie. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia

  13. That's a beautiful mural, but Pixie's advice was the best today.


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