Monday, July 18, 2022

Rare High Surf

On Hawaii's South shores
A L O H A From Honolulu!
Oahu's NORTH Shore is famous for surf,
But THIS is South Shore Waikiki yesterday.
Shot on my normal morning walk.

Sometimes in the morning,
when it's a good surf,
I go out there, and
I don't feel like
it's a bad world.
   Kary Mullis

Now, as we stand
three feet apart
and stare at each other,
I feel the full distance
that comes with spending
so much time apart,
a moment filled with
the electricity of a
first meeting and the
uncertainty of strangers.
 Marie Lu

Also A MAJOR GOOD Mango Season!

People are too complicated
to have simple labels.
   Philip Pullman

All the air you'll ever need
is in the boredom of your life.
But the magic is in
the miniscule mundane.
Jason Reynolds

Never love anyone
who treats you
like you're ordinary.
Oscar Wilde


You Friends
Make Us Feel Special
We Love You Back,

    Pixie & Cloudia


Nature Notes

From The Archives

The Good.Random.Fun.


  1. Mmmmm mango. My favourite fruit.
    Those are some big waves predicted.

  2. Hello,
    I would enjoy watching the high surf. The mangos do look good!
    Love the blooming tree and your sweet Pixie.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  3. Love the mangos and Pixie in the grocery bag. Is she protecting a cache of mangos or her catnip? Lovely post today. Thanks!

  4. Love all the quotes and especially the no more six feet. Exciting times.

    I always love seeing Pixie.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  5. Our grocery carries mango nectar. It's twice as thick as mango juice and 10 times as good. BUT... it recently went from $2.50 a bottle to $3.89. I'm sadly boycotting.

  6. Love the Oscar Wilde quote and the surf shot.

  7. That is one amazing morning walk there! How beautiful. I don't know much about surf, but from your description it sounds wild!! A beautiful bounty of mangoes too! Lucky you. Aloha to you from Oregon.

  8. To have a view like that while drinking your favorite brew in the morning would be incredible. You are SO blessed, Cloudia.

    Thanks for the update on the record breaking swells, too.

  9. Hi Cloudia, A nice place to walk in the morning. Our beach here is too cold and way too windy to sit on the beach. You have some very profound quotes today. I would love some mango. I have been craving it for months now. I have been buying mango drinks but nothing is like the real thing. Have a great day today.

  10. Thanks!

  11. I've been watching episodes from the original Hawaii 5-0 tv series, and sometimes they show beach scenes. Gorgeous landscapes!

    Happy T Tuesday

  12. I got to go to Waikiki when we were there. The video of the waves and surfer was amazing. Thanks for sharing. Happy T Day!

  13. On the news recently we saw a giant wave that crashed over the roof of buildings and swamped a wedding party. Yikes! hugs to beautiful Pixie

  14. What an amazing morning walk! I'd love to be near the sea/ocean. Lucky you.
    I love all the quotes by the way.
    Happy T-Day,

  15. Love…
    People are too complicated
    to have simple labels.
    Philip Pullman


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