Sunday, August 21, 2022

Day Well Spent

A L O H A From Honolulu!

I'm still passionately interested in what my fellow humans are up to. For me, a day spent monitoring the passing parade is a day well-spent. Garry Trudeau

The long run of life
becomes easy when you
have someone special to you
in between give you
piggyback rides.
Rimmon Shoukat
[Do you see the face
giving the ride?]

Goodness smiles - never shouts ignorance can drown it out,
till we warm to the smile, then we all forget the shout.

The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower,
share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's,
- smile at someone and
receive a smile in return, are to me continual
spiritual exercises. Leo Buscaglia 

One must either take an interest
in the human situation 
or else parade before the void.
    Jean Rostand 

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. thank you and the beautiful Pixie. Again.

  2. Pixie looks like she's imitating the branch giving the piggy back ride. Who is riding on Pixie's back? Is it the green gecko? Love that last sky shot, too.

  3. The face was hard to spot. I'm glad you pointed it out.

  4. ...I hope that you will have a wonderful day.

  5. Pixie would like to get back to her nap.

  6. I would not see that face but found another one in the shot, Cloudia. Sending smiles.

  7. I did! I did! I saw the face right away. And I see him smiling too. Happy Sunday, Cloudia!

  8. These are lovely. As ever. I am so long winded, as you know. I just like to appreciate where we were and document how good a time we have.


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