Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Gain Per Day

A L O H A From Honolulu!

One gain per day. That's it.
All great things are built
with incremental, consistent,
humble work. Seneca

If you seek tranquility, do less...
Do what's essential...
Which brings a double
to do less, better. Marcus Aurelius

The world is like a mirror;
frown at it, and it
frowns at you. Smile
and it smiles, too.
Herbert Samuels

 No worthy problem is ever
solved on the plane of
its original conception. Einstein

Self Improvement Guru


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. "to do less, better"
    I'm in the transcending stage.

  2. I am doing almost nothing at the moment. And doing that well (but feeling guilty just the same).

  3. I love these responses! You guys are the best. Thanks!

  4. Beautiful photos and quotes.
    Happy Thanksgiving! Take care, have a great day!

  5. The lizard is smiling at the world.

  6. Cool pictures today. The clouds in that first one are striking, and I like the way the lifeguard station is framed by the palm trees. Geckos are always a favorite with me. Is Pixie showing us her better end in that shot today?


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