Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Honored Guest

A L O H A From Honolulu!

We need to give each other
the space to grow, to be
ourselves, to exercise our diversity.
We need to give each other space so
that we may both give and receive
such beautiful things as ideas,
openness, dignity, joy,
healing, and inclusion. Max De Pree

The sharp thorn often
produces delicate roses.

Texture, not volume,
is the key to the wondrous. Anthony Lane

Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes
our abundance. Epicurus

You are not a beggar
at the table of life.
You are the honored guest.

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. I try to give people as much space as possible.

  2. That gecko looks happy to be included in your blog. I love the moon shot, and Pixie seems quite content to just nap under a glorious rainbow! Have a wonderful day!

  3. Beautiful images, I love your moon capture!
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. Great pictures again. Wonder how old is Pixie now. Our Sophie has already surpassed her average age by a year and a half and is now quite sleepy.

  5. Your moon shot is super, Cloudia.

  6. Dear Cloudia, how pretty the lizard in your first photo! The moonshot looks like a tempting photo from a travel magazine. And Pixie is always a beauty anyway!
    All the best
    and have a wonderful time!

  7. Comments worth lingering with. Each of you, we appreciate you very much

  8. Your photos and words are priceless :) Thank you!


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