Saturday, December 24, 2022

Nectar Drinkers

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Look past your thoughts,
so you may drink the
pure nectar of
This Moment.

Ti Plant Flowers
Love doesn't mean doing
extraordinary or heroic things.
It means knowing how to do
ordinary things with tenderness.
     Jean Vanier

Two Geckos Check Us Out
Let your feelings be
your guides,
not your gods. 

Fake Lei ~ Real Aloha
True wisdom lies in gathering the precious things out of each day
as it goes by. E.S. Boutons

Age is opportunity no less Than youth itself,
though in another dress, And as the evening twilight
fades away The sky is filled
with stars, invisible by day. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Love You,
  Cloudia & Pixie

Australian king parrot


  1. These are all such beautiful quotes, Cloudia. Have a wonderful holiday season! I can see a lot of people smiling even though I have my mask on.

  2. Great quotes.
    Enjoy the holiday season,
    and I wish you Happy New Year for 2023!

  3. Gorgeous shots and lovely quotes today. I am trying to figure out is Pixie is frowning about the fake leis or the parrot pecking someone's palm. She does look regal today.

  4. Not only a King Parrot, but a male King Parrot, resplendent in his adult plumage. Thank you so much for the beauty you give us every day.

  5. Oh beautiful post on this special day!Wish you all good!xxxx

  6. I love that first quote. We are sitting in the warmth, watching the cardinals fight at the feeder. It is blowing snow outdoors.

  7. Lovely shots for the day. That parrot is so handsome.

  8. Hello Cloudia,

    The parrot is gorgeous and I like those cute geckos.
    Pixie is always looking sweet. Great quotes and photos.
    Happy Holidays! I wish you all the best in 2023. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. OK the Longfellow brought tears. Been a hard day with my knees and grief. It hit the spot. Was what I needed. Picking myself up now. No cat blogging that I know of; maybe you thought of Saturday's Critters?

    Pixie looks more beautiful than ever here.
    Happy Holidays!

  10. Beautiful photos, one and all and a very pretty kitty. And yes, there is a Caturday Art Blog Hop featuring kitties. The LINK is and it runs every Saturday. You can also link to it through The Cat Blogosphere at
    Join in, all are welcome.

  11. Wonderful colour and photos as usual. Merry Christmas!

  12. Wonderful collection of photos and quotes. Merry Christmas to you and yours!


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