Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Only Choice

A L O H A From Honolulu!

We can only face one
direction at a time.
We are either
looking at the sun, or
looking into the dark.
I didn't always understand
this choice. But
have learned that when
I look to the sun
I am filled with light.
When I look to the dark
and to my fears,
everything only gets darker.
Rage against dark by
turning your back on it.

 You have purpose
and meaning,
your time is coming,
keep going and don't
listen to the noise,
everyone has an opinion,
have they built anything? Kalman Samuels

Every day we have a choice.
How you see the world
determines the world you see.
Look for the good.
See the possibilities.
Remember, challenges
are opportunities. Jon Gordon

Real religion is the
transformation of
anxiety into laughter.
Alan Watts


Love You,
Pixie &



  1. I love that first bit of wisdom "rage against the dark by turning your back on it." Let's face the light (and Pixie) to move forward.

  2. Love the sky and the beautiful words.

  3. Great advice and beautiful photos!
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. Pixie is a very cooperative photo subject.

  5. Love the sky & the encouraging post, Cloudia.

  6. Wonderful words, and very true.
    And love the sky.

  7. You always share such good truth. I had to smile at the photo of the pig back. Mr. M. did that very thing with me by the Bannon tree. Have a lovely day today.

  8. Such wonderful photos and such words of wisdom too. Pixie, you look beautiful girl! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Tell the kitty I said Hi!

    Visiting from Skywatch Friday!

    Worth a Thousand Words

  10. We DO have purpose and meaning! I love that quote. Thank you for linking up and have a great weekend!

  11. Lovely images and quotes, Cloudia. Aloha!

  12. So many good quotes this week, Claudia and always good pictures. Pixie doesn't look like she is laughing ... does she not have religion? Have a great week and Happy Valentines Day, Claudia ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  13. Oh Cloudia, to see your lovely weather makes me ache for spring right now!! ☺☺


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