Tuesday, April 4, 2023


A L O H A From Honolulu!

 If you cannot do great things,
do small things in a great way.
Napoleon Hill

Give thought to the "You"
that you show to the world.
Because you will either
become that person,
or a hypocrite.

The white-rumped shama
Copsychus malabaricus
is a small passerine bird of the family Muscicapidae.
Native to densely vegetated habitats in the
Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia,
its popularity as a cage-bird and songster
has led to it being introduced elsewhere.

Forever is composed of nows.

      Emily Dickinson

Nature is the art of god.


The field where
friends have met is
consecrated forever.


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia




  1. I just found out about consecrated poetry! 🤑

  2. I love that first photo of the crane near the high rise. And I am always in awe of how "fit" everyone seems to be in Hawaii.

  3. That purple raincoat really stands out in the street candid.

  4. What is the purple robe? It looks like it has meaning.

  5. The Purple robe is strange, something hanging down in front of the face?
    I love the pretty sky and the White-rumped Shama. Pixie is always a star.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. So many alien birds have been introduced to Hawaii while extinction has resulted for native species. So sad.

  7. Hi there and hope you continue to enjoy spring! Wonderful autumn weather here. hope all is well. Cheers Stewart M - Melbourne

  8. You delight with your captures!

  9. Love the words and the pics today. That is a sweet bird.

  10. Looks like you got a purple shaman to consecrate this blog, but I think Pixie is shaman enough for us here. This is definitely a consecrated corner of cyberspace!

  11. Wonderful captures and words. I love Dante's quote.

  12. I love the outfit! That is the best!

  13. Wonderful quotes. So true and I love your photography. Especially Pixie.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  14. Great pics! Thank you so much for sharing! I'm back from sick leave so I've seen a lot of new great blogs/people! Have a nice day!


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