Saturday, May 27, 2023

What Will Free Us

A L O H A From Honolulu!

All the world
is made of faith,
and trust,
and pixie dust.
J.M. Barrie

The best way to nurture
love for yourself is to
love others well.

The best way to nurture
love for others is to
love yourself well.

is what will free us
     Jacqui Lewis 

Tropical plant named after
Mount Helicon in Greece,
Home to the Muses.
 These showy, colorful Bracts
are not the flowers which
are very small, hiding inside. 

The words you speak
become the house
you live in.

Half of our mistakes in life arises from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel. John Churton Collins




  1. Pixie dust is a wonderful thing. Is our Pixie doing yoga in that second picture of her? Or is she conjuring up more pixie dust to share with her fans? Which of the two shots is her thinking pose and which is her feeling pose? Inquiring minds want to know...

  2. She refuses to specify but thanks you for your interest!

  3. Loving myself is something I struggle with. I do love others though.

  4. Love your last street candid shot with juxtaposition.

  5. Cute photo of Pixie.
    Love the pretty flowers.
    Wonderful photos and quotes.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Good start for the weekend again and I now understand why you called your cat Pixie when I read Pixie dust. Let Pixie bring a lot of nice and happy memories for you. Nice Weekend.

  7. True love. The double ass grab.

  8. Impressive pictures and sayings as always!

  9. Wise words and beautiful photos, dear Cloudia. I always find the flower trick with the bracts fascinating! And I'm just imagining a family of five all dressed up in the blue floral outfit 😁...
    Happy Pentecost and all the best 🌱🌿🌱

  10. Great photos, interesting quotes!
    Have a blessed day!

  11. Beautiful photos and words. I love looking at the ocean and dreaming ever since I was a kid, it's relaxing. Have a nice day and weekend.

  12. Fabulous quotes in each beautiful Cloudia.

  13. I like the last quote. When we visited, I loved seeing all the family aloha wear outfits in the shops. Alas my entourage would not play along....#GardenAffair

  14. Hello Cloudia :=)
    I love all the quotes this week, and your photos. Thank you!:=)

  15. I want some Pixie dust.

    Is the real Pixie sleeping or practicing her yoga moves?

  16. Pixie dust is always nice to have in one's life. Love all the photos and quotes and, of course, Pixie touching her toes.

  17. I think the pixie dust gives us all a little magic...that we need! Love thinking of how we love others and ourselves too. I'm a very happy and positive person but sometimes it's hard when others are negative. Sweet hugs to you and Pixie!

  18. Wise words and beautiful little kitty. I like the matching family clothing!

  19. I always look forward to your words of wisdom, Heliconias are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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