Thursday, August 17, 2023

A Little Kinder

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Kindness is
loaning someone your strength
instead of reminding them
of their weakness
Andy Stanley

If you change the way
you look at things,
the things you look at
will change.
Wayne W. Dyer

Always be on the lookout for
ways to nurture your dream.
Lao Tzu

If having a soul means
being able to feel love
and loyalty and gratitude,
then animals are better off
than a lot of humans.
James Herriot

It's embarrassing that after
45 years of research and study,
the best advice I can give to
people is to be a little
kinder to each other.
  Aldous Huxley

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. So Pixie has little pink toe beans and her feathered friends have little pink legs! Linda in Kansas

  2. I am in total agreement with James Herriot.

  3. Kindness is the answer. I like that, and Pixie will stare us down if we don't agree. Great song tonight.

  4. Wise words again accompagnied with great photo's. Good start of the day again. Thank you.

  5. Such an inspiration to nurture my dream!

  6. I always am inspired by quotes and I love reading them. The Wayne Dwyer quote really spoke to me. Thanks.

  7. Wonderful quotes and cool captures.

  8. This is wonderful Cloudia, as all your posts are. Could I please borrow that first wise saying for my Sunday post? Give a hug to Pixie for me, and ask her to give one to you too :)

  9. Stunning photos and wonderful quotes to accompany them today.

  10. Kindness matters! Great quotes and photos. Thanks, Cloudia.


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