Friday, September 22, 2023

You Are I Am

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Sky tinted with color,
A gradient of pale and red
Sun sinks slowly 
Paints the clouds subtly
In transfixing range.
Be still.

The breeze is soft,
Air filled with sounds
Of evening coming in.
It's a time of
peaceful beauty,
Relax and reflect,
A day has passed,

The street is a great equalizer,
and those who can speak its
language are most eloquent.
The street is also a
university of hard knocks,
those who graduate are fluent in beauty and ugliness,
but the street itself
goes on and on

Samoa's native hibiscus
We become not a melting pot
but a beautiful mosaic.
Different people, different beliefs,
different yearnings, different hopes,
different dreams.
Jimmy Carter

And now you are
and I am and
we're a mystery which
will never happen again.
ee cummings


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. I agree with Jimmy Carter.
    Have a wonderful Friday, dear friend. I wish I could curl up like Pixie. She looks so relaxed.

  2. Love that Jimmy Carter quote - thank you.

  3. lovely thoughts. I love the colour of that hibiscus! Enjoy your weekend ahead and thankyou for visiting my blog this week.

  4. The hibiscus really shines. Love the pose of Pixie!

  5. Thanks friends. I enjoy reading your remarks. Aloha

  6. Beautiful sky and flower.
    If I slept like Pixie my neck would be so sore.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  7. I love that shot of Pixie with the ee cummings quote.

  8. I like the quote on the street being an equalizer and educator. Do you know its origin?

  9. I love Carter's quote about becoming a mosaic as a people rather than a melting pot.

  10. Beautiful photos and reflections today, Cloudia. Thanks!

  11. Pixie prefers the University of the Soft Couch to the University of Hard Knocks on the Street. Great pictures today.

  12. Jimmy Carter nailed it with his quote. Pixie is having a nice nap.
    Happy weekend, Cloudia.

  13. Those remarks on the street are mine, John. Thanks for asking. I really appreciate reading each of your comments. Typically I do so in the morning and it really starts my day off on a positive note. I want to thank each of you. Pixie just walked by and meowed. She agrees. Aloha

  14. We need more leaders like Jimmy Carter. That's a great quote!

  15. E, W & F! Haven't heard this song in a while! Nice.

  16. Great quotes, Beautiful photos.
    Happy Weekend.

  17. Enjoyed the video! Sigh. Wishing there were more people like Jimmy Carter around. What a quote! Hugs to Pixie. You take care now. See you next time.

  18. Thanks for sharing the great quotes and pictures! I enjoy the videos too!

  19. I´m sucker for street photography. So can´t nothing but like yours. Is it a bird at bottom right corner? Kinda dots the i for me.

    And that sleeping beauty never gets old. Meow!


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