Sunday, October 1, 2023

As If You Have Nowhere To Go

 A L O H A From Honolulu!
Sky Slash @ Sunset

A fiery blade across the sky,
Canvas painted
with twilight's kiss.
From crimson red
to golden hues,
A symphony of colors,
Draping the world
In gold.

With every swipe of your squeegee,
You give us all a clearer view.
Teaching us to appreciate
The beauty in the everyday.
You leave the world a little brighter.
Thank you, window washers,
for all that you do.

Welcome, my little,
To this beautiful life.
On your first beach day
We walk hand-in-hand
You giggle as the waves
Reach your toes,

 May you always find
This wonder everyday.
The waves of joy ever
crash upon your shore,
Welcome to this beautiful life.
We'll leave our footprints here.

I live by letting things happen.

Most people cannot believe
that just walking as if
you have nowhere to go
is enough.
Thich Nhat Hanh

Love You,
 Cloudia & Pixie


Linking To

Monday Murals


  1. How Lovely! Just like those young folks coloring their hair pink and purple, or blue, Miss Pixie has acquired blue whiskers! Purrfectly beautiful! Linda in Kansas

  2. Love the colors in your sky shot! I also like your sentiments about the child at the beach. Pixie looks like she wants to go play in the waves, too.

  3. Beautiful skies.
    And all thanks to so many people who do jobs that I cannot/could not do.

  4. Beautiful sky and mural!
    Pixie want to go to the beach and play in the sand.

    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. For some of us, having nowhere to go is the best feeling!

  6. I may go for a walk this afternoon with no where to go. It should be fun. ;-)

  7. Indeed Pat!
    Thanks EACH of you 😊

  8. Once again, I enjoyed the words and the photos, Cloudia. I especially enjoyed the one of the father and child on the beach. And wherever we walk, or how, it's never a waste of our time.

  9. Ah the blue-bewhiskered cat. What a treat!

  10. Love the firefighters coming down the walls. Very good image

  11. Your sky is glorious but the picture of the window washers makes me dizzy – I never could do such a task. I also enjoy your cat photo; never have enough cat photos to look at. As for the the Thich Nhat Hanh quotation – I love all his quotations, and have them in several books. Actually I read one of his poems at my daughter’s wedding “walking meditation.”

  12. Great mural — the cartoonish colors are very effective.
    best, mae at

  13. Love your beautiful words and pictures The mural is great too Love the man with the little child and the cat of course

  14. That poem for the little one brought back such lovely memories and now my son is having that same experience. Sigh…
    Have a wonderful week, my friend.

  15. I love how you gave credit to window washers. They have a really dangerous and thankless job. Love Pixie's look today.

  16. In the second picture, are they racing up or down?

  17. Can you send the window cleaners over? It´s only ground floor, too! ;-)
    Pixie is very serious looking.
    To a mindful day, hence.

  18. Lovely cat. Wonderful sunset and a very nice mural!

  19. I certainly couldn't do a window washer job, heights scare me! Nice mural and quotes.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  20. Another beautiful sky, thank you!

  21. Stunning Sky, Amazing photos, Loved the mural.
    Thanks for the post. Loved the Pixie :)


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