Thursday, October 5, 2023

Cowards Are Cruel

A L O H A From Honolulu!

People who shine from within
don't need the spotlight.
Zig Ziglar

A hibiscus blooms, bold and bright, Wisdom shared, in radiant light.

No trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely to improve the quality of life than the ability to transform adversity into an enjoyable challenge. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience

Cowards are cruel, but the brave love mercy and delight to save. John Gay

Some people care too much.
I think it's called love. A.A. Milne

Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. Mark Twain


Love You,
 Pixie & Cloudia



  1. I LOVE that final photo. And wonder what pain cowards are trying to hide...

  2. I love the first image. Such a great colours. And shine from within.

  3. They are all lovely photos, the sky and flowers are favorites.
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. Love that sky, Cloudia. Pixie doesn't need a spotlight. ;-)

  5. Love the rainbow and the quotes today. Pixie is hoping to see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  6. Beautiful photos and pearls of wisdom here today, Cloudia. Thank you and blessings!

  7. A stunning sky and wonderful words. Happy weekend, Cloudia and Pixie.

  8. Another great quote from Zig Ziglar. Love the sky in your opening photo!

  9. A beautiful post with perfect pairings of images and quotes. I love the Milne quote the best.

  10. Amazing sky view, loved the rainbow, Beautiful flowers pics. Pixie looks cute:)

  11. Beautiful captures and captions!

  12. Pixie never misses a turn with the camera, it seems.

  13. "Cowards Are Cruel"
    I think you're describing tRUMP.

  14. Great photos and very inspirational quotes. Sending love right back to you and Pixie. Happy weekend.

  15. I love the first quote. So true. I also LOVE that face someone drew on the wall and that amazing bee.

  16. I love the photos and quotes today and especially Pixie's photo. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice day.


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