Saturday, November 18, 2023

Guardian Witness

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The way we choose

to see the world
creates the world
we see.
Barry Neil Kaufman

The positive energy and

love we give to others, heals our own wounds. Angie Karan

Stay positive, 
all other choices are 
pointless punishments 
to your psyche.
   Joe Peterson

Don't be afraid of the 
sharps, flats, or minor keys 
in the melody of your life. 
They give your song it's
great soulful art.

Silent guardian,
Keeper of dreams,
Unseen presence, where
hope ever gleams.
life is a journey in
light and shade,
Where every moment,
beauties are made.

Step over ants, put worms
back in the grass, rescue
baby caterpillars, release spiders
back into your garden,
open windows for bees to fly home,
they are all little souls that
deserve a life too.

Love You,
  Pixie & Cloudia


  1. You have the most beautiful quotes and the most beautiful photos, Cloudia. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Yes, the sharps and flats are all integral parts of the melody.

  3. "Step over ants"
    Except if they are coming under the kitchen door. Then it's WAR!

  4. Love the rainbow and wasp with the quote about sharps, flats, and minor keys bringing beauty into our lives. Pixie is looking regal as she spreads her love to her adoring fans :) Lovely words of wisdom today.

  5. Wise words again. A couple of weeks ago I found two dead bees in the living room. I haven´t seen them coming in nor trying to get out... sad.

  6. Beautiful rainbow and love the flowers!
    Pixie is always a treat to see, so cute.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  7. Once again, marvelous photos and inspiring quotes - beautiful!
    Thank you, Cloudia!

  8. I get a nice burst of inspiration reading your blogs daily. Thank you so much!

  9. Another encouraging post full of beauty and inspiration, Cloudia. ;-)

  10. These are some of my favorite quotes...I probably say this every week. But I love being in tune with nature. The last quote really speaks to me! Love of hugs to you and Pixie!

  11. You find the most wonderful quotes. I find it so peaceful visiting you.

  12. True to think positive as we all tend to think negative

  13. So beautiful and so true, dear Cloudia!
    The cute Pixie has made herself comfortable, but her eyes are very attentive.

    Have a nice weekend, all the best, Traude

  14. Lovely shots today, Cloudia.
    Have a fantastic weekend.

  15. Delightful ... thank you for sharing!

  16. In spite of Pixie's elegant pose, I see little pink toe beans! Linda in Kansas

  17. Lovely pics and quotes! I like the quote about stepping over ants, putting worms back in the grass, and rescuing baby caterpillars.

  18. Beautiful post ! Your quotes always makes my day. I loved the Bird of paradise blooms. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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