Sunday, January 21, 2024

Equidistant Equally Near

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Winter for Hawaii People,
Summer for Visitors!

No alien land in all the world has any deep strong charm for me but that one, no other land could so longingly and so beseechingly haunt me, sleeping and walking, through half a lifetime, as that one has done. Other things leave me, but it abides; other things change, but it remains the same. For me its balmy airs are always blowing, its summer seas flashing in the sun...
in my nostrils still lives the breath
of flowers that perished
twenty years ago. Mark Twain in Hawaii,
Roughing It in the Sandwich Islands:
Hawaii in the 1860s

The dance of the palm trees,
the oceans calling, the
first rays of sun and
heaven is here.
 Michael Dolan

Weather the storm
you cannot avoid;
Avoid the storm
you cannot weather.

Equidistant souls stars apart yet near dancing heavens among the spheres. Though miles may stretch cosmic ties will bind our constellations of heart and mind. Perhaps a dream a whisper in the void, Two melodies played
on instruments of joy.

Stay away
from negative people.
They have a problem
for every solution
Albert Einstein

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To
Undersea Collector or Planter ?


  1. Albert Einstein was a wise man. I love the mural too - and vote for planting.

  2. I love the trees, plants and pretty sky.
    Beautiful mural and a cute Pixie!
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  3. I don't remember "The Girl from Ipanema" being so flat. It's probably just me but these two sound more like what I remember.

  4. I agree, if you can.

    "Weather the storm
    you cannot avoid;
    Avoid the storm
    you cannot weather."

  5. ...I like your boat, what did you name it?

  6. Pixie's great view doesn't seem as interesting as baking in the bright sun!

  7. That Twain quote reminded me of you, Cloudia. ;-)

  8. So there we have context for the Council of Infinite Pixies.

  9. I'll take Einstein's advice. Blessings, Cloudia!

  10. I see collector (destroyer) because of the skull. It's depressing. THat said, a DJ I like has just opened a charity that plants corals, a coral farm, in Indoensia. I gave some money for maybe it's the same thing depicted...

  11. The Hawaii that Mark Twain saw really is interesting, because so much has changed but the essential beauty remains. The essential beauty is what you capture each week.
    best, mae at

  12. I never made it to Hawaii but I can sympathize with those remarks by Mark Twain. I still remember longingly the wonderful times we had on beach visits in Mexico over the years. There is nothing like watching the sun sink into the sea at the end of a day. Love the picture of Pixie and her two lookalike friends. ;^/

  13. Tom: Not my boat. Thanks EACH of YOU, Your comments bring joy!

  14. Einstein sure is so right!
    I sadly have one of them right now - and huge support from nice people! :-)
    Great mural. The planter idea is great.

  15. Great quote, lovely photo of Pixie and I like the mural.
    I think this might be the original song of Girl from Ipanema, later versions were a bit faster. Still a great song!
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.


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