Friday, March 1, 2024

Penny Feast

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Clouds and cloudscapes are
the greatest free show on earth.
It doesn’t cost a penny to
look up and feast
your eyes on the view.
John A. Day

Being humble means recognizing
that we are not on earth to
see how important we can become,
but to see how much difference
we can make in the lives of others.
Gordon B. Hinckley

Choose to be optimistic.
It feels better.
Dalai Lama

 Having a place to go,
is a home.
Having someone to love,
is a family.
Having both, is a blessing.
Donna Hedges

Kindness is invincible. Marcus Aurelius

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Jasminum multipartitum is
a species of jasmine that is
native to Southern Africa.
It is also known as starry wild jasmine, sterretjies-jasmyn, and imfohlafohlane


  1. Pixie looks surprised at how many cats have learned to wave their paws instead of just giving queenly swishes of the tail. Great selfie!

  2. You've got some beautiful photos and some great quotations! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Always learning new perspective through your quotes

  4. Beautiful quotes, Loved all clicks :)
    Pixie looks cute :)

  5. Beautiful moon! Great reflection photo.
    I love doggies, what a cutie.
    Pixie is always adorable.
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

  6. Great quotes and photos (including a somewhat incognito selfie!) The Jasmine makes me remember the wonderful scents that they give out.

  7. So inspirational today, Cloudia. Thank you!

  8. The doggie wants a scratch behind the ears.

  9. Wonderful words and the pics to go with them, Cloudia. ;-)

  10. You friends Brighten my day! A grateful thanks to each of you with Aloha

  11. So much to make us smile.
    Annie x

  12. Kindness and helpfulness are important.

  13. Pixie is looking very much in control. Great photos and thoughts!

  14. Gorgeous moon photo. Love those clouds!

  15. A fine series. Love your selfie reflection photo, and the portrait of the dog.

  16. A lovely set of quotations. I couldn't agree more with the first one. I love to watch the changing sky, night-time and during the day.
    Pixie is very sweet.
    It is nice to seea new face over at Annie's Friday Smiles.
    Kate x


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