Sunday, April 21, 2024

And Join Me Here

A L O H A From Honolulu!

It ain't what you don't know
that gets you into trouble.
It's what you know for sure
that just ain't so.
    Mark Twain

Good folks flow
a silent stream,
Nurturing life
With simple dreams.

They build, they mend,
with purpose strong,
The land they love, 
where they belong -

Loud voices rise,
a tempest's call,
But division's path
will only stall.

The troubled few,
with shouts and cries,
Divide and disrupt as
Their kindness dies -

- But let them splinter,
Let them fray,
Love to the neighbor
Will find a way!

For peace is built
where kindness stays.
     Cloudia Charters

Be at peace.
Breathe deeply and relax,
Let go of all your worries.

Feel the stillness all around
Find your grace
And join me here,
Where peace and love
Are always near.
Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To

Monday Murals


  1. Amazing quote you wrote Clοudia about good people.
    Have a beautiful Sunday🌷!

  2. Love your poem about peace and kindness and peaceful Pixie making friends with an octopus. Have a wonderful day.

  3. How I wish there was more kindness (and peace) in this world. Thank you for your always peaceful corner.

  4. How I wish there was more kindness (and peace) in this world. Thank you for your always peaceful corner.

  5. Pixie and her mirror universe counterpart agree that now is a good time for naps.

  6. Good one from Mark Twain and that floor under Pixie is polished to perfection. What a determination.

  7. "It ain't what you don't know
    that gets you into trouble.
    It's what you know for sure
    that just ain't so.
    Mark Twain"

    Wise words. So wise.

  8. "It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." It's so true, especially now on social media.

  9. Smart words from Mark Twain and you, Cloudia. ;-)

  10. Very nice sea themed murals! Love Pixie's reflection and your quotes.
    Thank you for sharing with all of us.
    Be well!

  11. Sincere thanks to you each ❤️🪷

  12. Peace and kindness . . . Shown to others, it can bring divisions to an end.
    Blessed Sunday, Cloudia!

  13. Great mural - intelligent creatures. Hope they are kind, too!

  14. Beautiful pics, Amazing mural.
    Lovely Pixie :)
    Have a nice week ahead.

  15. Pixie looks very cute :) The octopus murals are very nice.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  16. Ah yes, I've seen that mural. :-)

    Thank you for the peace you bring.
    It's been exhausting at times here as Art and I try to make life comfortable for mom who is suffering more and more with her dementia. Our time is filled with her care. Thankfully, she is always cheerful and always grateful.


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