Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Little Bragging

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Duke Kahanamoku Beach
#1 Beach USA 2024
Dr. Beach Link
I walk there.

Spathoglottis plicata, Philippine ground orchid

A good deed is not a good deed
if you brag about it.
     Jeffrey Bernardo

Half of our mistakes in life
arises from feeling where we ought to think, and thinking where we ought to feel. John Churton Collins

Just when the caterpillar thought “I am incapable of moving,” it became a butterfly. Annette Thomas

Flow with
whatever is happening and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is called The Ultimate. Chuang Tzu


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

From top to bottom the 15 safest cities for American travelers in 2024 are: Honolulu Montreal Reykjavik Sydney Amsterdam Dubai Copenhagen London Seoul Venice Tokyo Berlin Paris Barcelona Orlando
Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection


  1. Good morning Clοudia,
    what a beautiful first photo!!
    Have a nice day!

  2. Gosh... I've been to that beach and didn't realize that it's named for the Duke.
    We are the safest city? Really? I guess it surprised me because I watch the news and hear the bad things that are happening. Still... I'm glad to know it's better than I thought.

  3. Thanks for our daily dose of beauty and wisdom.

  4. Lovely to see you again my friends!

  5. Beautiful words and pictures.

  6. Beautiful words and photos.
    Love Pixie and her shadow!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. As always a joy to see and read.

  8. I was enjoying the peaceful beauties you shared, until the last shot...somewhat disconcerting! Thanks for all the great quotes.

  9. That is a gorgeous beach. And it's interesting only one US city made the list.

  10. I love the beach!
    And I love the juxtaposition of the brag and the warning against bragging.

  11. Beautiful photos and sayings!

  12. Are Pixie and the tiki gods the reason Honolulu is so safe? Or is it because the beaches are so beautiful no one has the time or inclination to commit crime?

  13. Beautiful photos of a heavenly place and beautiful quotes.
    The photo of the cat is great, the light is very nice
    Greetings from Estepona, Malaga, Spain.

  14. You are so lucky to have a gorgeous beach like that, Cloudia. ;-)

  15. In this social media age many people need to remember the first quote about good deeds and bragging.

  16. Gorgeous colour on the flowers #FloralFridayFoto

  17. Fantastic sunset! Looks like Pixie shares my thoughts. Love the wood carving all so.

  18. What a fabulous party today! I am so lucky to have all of you, old friends and some new ones. Join us today. Aloha and thank you very much!

  19. Beautiful! -Christine

  20. Love John Churton Collins´ quote - and all the pics, too.

  21. I just loathe travel!
    Thanks for taking me to your part of the world.

  22. Wow, I love that view of Waikiki and Diamond Head!

  23. What a stunning beach and you get to walk there!! Fabulous.

    "A good deed is not a good deed if you brag about it." Truer words were never spoken.

    I don't consider Orlando such a great city to visit. Been there, didn't much care for it.

    Have a lovely FFO weekend, dear Cloudia.

  24. I've walked on Duke Kahanamoku Beach too. Perhaps we passed each other sometime when I was in Honolulu. Have a lovely weekend!

  25. Everything in Hawaii seems to be beautiful including and maybe even especially Pixie ... your thoughts are provocative and go well with the photos. You are blessed to see all this beauty in your every day life ... and to have Pixie by your side. I do hope to visit your beaches one day :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  26. Lovely post. Thank you for joining FFO

  27. I like the quote about bragging. So true! Thanks for linking up.


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