Sunday, May 12, 2024

Even Less Than Nothing

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Sun's grand arc, O daily rhyme,
Our silent clock that keeps all time.
Ideas rise, and others fall
The stars above observe it all.
Old Stonehenge whispers
(If you know)
Earth keeps turning
And on we go.
Cloudia Charters

Rise early and listen to
the birds that sing on
the power lines. It is a privilege
to be alive in the world when
the sky turns pearl gray
and the light
strengthens on the hills.
Sylvia Plath 

It's Graduation Day!
The world needs
dreamers and doers.
Be both.
Lila Watson

Silent guardian,
Keeper of dreams,
Unseen presence, where
hope ever gleams.
life is a journey in
light and shade,
Where every moment,
beauties are made.
         Cloudia Charters

§ § § § § § § § § § § § § § § §

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Monday Murals

Nature Notes

From The Archives

The Good.Random.Fun.

AWWW Monday

T Tuesday

Pictorial Tuesday 

We live in a remarkable world
where even less than nothing
can be staggeringly beautiful.


  1. I really like that last image - simple but great!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Another beautiful post and photos, love the inspiring words.
    Happy Mother's Day, enjoy your day!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Less then nothing must be a whole new dimension in the field of physics.

  4. I rose early, but I don't hear the birds sing until I get my hearing aids in. I do that when Sue gets up, but maybe I should do it right away.

  5. Pixie is more interested in a meal right now.

  6. Some great shots today, Cloudia. To go with the wise words. ;-)

  7. There is beauty in every moment when we have eyes of gratitude.

  8. Ah, since my glass is now 7/8th full, I love the light through the bottle...empty is also a possibility of colorfulness.

  9. Great post today. It looks like Pixie doesn't think much of her dinner, though. I love her poem about how less than nothing can be beautiful. The light through the empty bottle is spectacular. I also like the interesting house??? with the A/C and palm trees. It took me a while to figure that one out.

  10. Amazing series of photos, mural looks great, Hello to Pixie:) Have a nice week ahead.

  11. Have a great week Clοudia!
    Get up in the morning and listen to the birds, this prompt really works, a morning walk with the wind on your cheeks and the birds chirping in your ears makes you almost happy....

  12. Great quotes and nice murals. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  13. Love them all, but the quote from Pixie is spot on. Beautiful.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cloudia. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  14. I love your bottle shot with Pixie's words. Fabulous! #WWOAT

  15. Early morning is our favorite time of day. It is so peaceful, we can go out for our walks and see the sunrise, rarely find another person, the mind can relax and do some good thinking without being disturbed. It is the best time of day.

  16. Aww..Beautiful Pixie and photos....Michelle

  17. Yes, the fancy water does look like a painting!


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