Thursday, May 23, 2024

Majestic Tolerance Common Enchantments

A L O H A From Honolulu!

We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is full of common enchantment waiting for our alchemists eyes to notice.
Jacob Nordby

Love is
the joy of the good,
the wonder of the wise,
the amazement of the Gods. 

Click On CROWN FLOWER To Enlarge
Only by cutting through the 
darkness of ignorance 
can we truly imagine 
the majesty of tolerance.
                Artis Lewis

At the end of the day,
what really matters is that
your loved ones are well,
you've done your best, and
that you're thankful
for all you have. A.N. Onymous *


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Hawaii Designer Extraordinaire!

*on·​y·​mous หˆรคnษ™mษ™s : bearing a name
especially : giving or bearing the author's name

an onymous article in a magazine
—opposed to anonymous

onymously adverb


  1. Pixie look says, "Be thankful you have me!!" I love that first sky shot. It is supremely magical.

  2. Thank you for the beauty and magic you and Pixie share each day.

  3. That sister face portrait is very good!

  4. Love the palm trees, the flower and Pixie!
    Great quotes and wise words!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. That first photo, wow.
    I agree. I have to find small moments to get me through.

  6. ...tolerance, what a wonderful thing.

  7. I try to practice awareness and see the little things every day.

  8. I definitely liked the "end of the day" poem.

  9. What a joy to see each of you and hear what you have to say! Thanks so much for journeying together aloha

  10. I always enjoy your quotes and beautiful photos

  11. That sky is magical, Cloudia. Love the common enchantment quote. ;-)

  12. I do love your daily photos and inspirational words. Blessings!

  13. City view just amazing, Great clicks.
    Loved the post.

  14. Lovely post. I'm good with common enchantment!

  15. Aloha, Cloudia! That evening sky brings back wonderful memories. Pixie is perky. Enjoyed the photos and the quotes. Have a great weekend!

  16. It was a nice comment, to hear about your same conversation wirh your cat. It made me smile...

    ...and I enjoyed reading again here the poems. Have a wonderful week, hugs by Heidrun

  17. Your sky shot is amazing and one that most would let go unnoticed. Love is fading though possibly not within a household. Ignorance and darkness prevail in our times and no hope of achieving tolerance except within one's soul. How can we do our best when truth has shriveled and lies permeate our news and social media Leaving us aghast but seemingly helpless to change it. We live in depressing times. Hoping for a miracle, striving for truth to prevail struggling with the burden of it. Your pictures are a bright spot and Pixie always brings pleasure. Sorry to be such a downer ... I am looking for the light in the end of the tunnel and for now it is not in sight. Perhaps your distance from the mainland spares you ... I hope so. Be well and be smart, Claudia ...

    Andrea @ Fromthe Sol


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