Thursday, May 2, 2024

Open Power

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. Carlos Santana

Sometimes we all need a unicorn
to believe in. Sometimes we
need a unicorn to believe in us.
Claudia Bakker 

Isn't memory a funny thing?
You can still get annoyed about
something that happened
over 30 years ago.
But here's the thing:
that memory itself is a lesson
about our personality and possibly
about our growth in the intervening years.
Are we still the person who
was annoyed back then or do
we see it in a different light now?
Cloudia Charters

Tiny green shoots
brave and bold,
Promises stories 
As yet untold.

Even after trials faced,
So much beauty
To be embraced. -

- So let these Spring shoots
be our guide,
As goodness blooms
So shall we side by side.

A tiny green shoot
Happy and bold,
Promises stories
yet untold.
      Cloudia Charters

One of the greatest things about pets
is that they never ask us to explain,
they never ask us what's wrong.
They are just present to
love and be loved.
Just one of the great lessons
they teach us.
   Pixie & Cloudia


We Love You!




  1. The moon looks like it's broke!

  2. Annoyed at things from the past? Well, I get embarrassed from things I did in the past! I think (hope!) it's normal!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. If you're not embarrassed about things you did in the past, that means you haven't grown! Thanks friends. Great seeing you!

  4. So much beauty to be embraced indeed.

  5. I occasionally refight old battles in my head.

  6. Memories sure do come back again and again. But perhaps we can settle some of the emotions now. Thanks so much for the aerial photo, as I'm getting on a plane this afternoon! A great send-off!

  7. Love the Santana quote and I'm hoping to be found by a unicorn, Cloudia. ;-)

  8. Hello,
    Wonderful variety of photos.
    I love the quotes and the flowers, the gecko and your sweet Pixie.
    Take care, have a great day!

  9. That is a fascinating bloom you have pictured here.

  10. Love the rainbow high up in the clouds, the gecko wishing it was a unicorn, your thoughts on memory, and the picture of Pixie with her "You had better love me now!" face on. Have a glorious day.

  11. Such a pleasure to read your comments! Thanks friends, safe flights and Happy Days to you. Aloha

  12. To love and be loved . . . That's the whole idea!
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  13. I wrote about memory too today. It's a strange your pic from the plane. It's brilliant. #FloralFridayFoto

  14. Love the different quotes and I visited you via Skywatch Friday. My entry is #18+20.
    You can join the WW Words Welcome Wednesday

  15. Beautiful quotes and photos


  16. Those words really are purrfect and so are the photos. Pixie, you are just the best sweetie! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. You always post the prettiest rainbows.

  18. I love the quotes, as usual. And I totally agree with you about the pets role in our life.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  19. Amazing captures! Namaste 🙏

  20. Your life is full of rainbows, both actually and figuratively ... love your thoughts this week, all true, all needed, if only ...
    You mean to tell me Pixie doesn't talk to you. You can say a lot without saying a word. My cats talk to me all of the time especially at dinner time😁 Another wonderful post, Claudia.
    I bet your spring is extraordinary :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  21. Yes, an open heart is what is needed. Very nice post and a wonderful photo of Pixie. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a very nice day.

  22. Beautiful photos. Nice to see the Carlos Santana quote!

  23. Dear Cloudia, you have combined wonderful quotes and beautiful photos. I particularly like “Isn’t memory a funny thing?” and the photo of the bright green gecko with red spots. Oh, and Pixie - such an attentive look!
    All the best, Traude

  24. Hi to you and Pixie. I like the idea of having a unicorn to believe in. And lovely photos again as you do every post. Have a wonderful weekend. hugs-Erika

  25. Great quotes and as I age, everything is in a different light now. Thank you for linking up and sending hugs to Pixie :)


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