Tuesday, May 28, 2024

That's The Life For Me

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Life is a series of
unique opportunities
It's our job to find
the happiness in
each one.
Rick Remender

Shot in N. California in 2017. Anyone know this bird?💛

At every moment, we always have a choice, even if it feels as if we don’t. Sometimes that choice may simply be to think a more positive thought.
   Tina Turner

Maybe it's weird,
some might disagree,
But happy at work?
That's the life for me!

I want to be

famous but
Edgar Degas

I'm already happy
in this work.


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


On Memorial Day in Honolulu
Hundreds of lighted lanterns
are set afloat out to sea.
This is done solemnly by
those of every age, culture,
and ethnicity in remembrance
of our dearly remembered Family members and
ancestors. A much nicer word
than "dead" eh?
In Summer O Bon season
they are close and we
hold big outdoor dances
in the Japanese tradition
where we dance beyond
the generations.

There is also Missing Man Formation
flown above ceremonies at the 
National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific
"Punchbowl" to honor those
who gave the full measure 
of devotion.


  1. Yes, after the ceremonies canoes go out and collect all of the lanterns which are used year after year. The paper is freshened and new inscriptions are inscribed.

  2. Could that be a California weaver bird?
    I’ve been to the lantern floating quite a while ago. It really was a very moving and a special experience.
    It’s nice to be back again, but I’m trying to catch up with a ton of things before I start blogging again.
    Kay of Musiings

  3. Those lighted lanterns would be very moving indeed.

  4. Those lanterns must be an amazing sight. A sweet tradition to honor the ancestors. Thank you for another wonderful post my friend.

  5. No parking anytime sign is quite funny to see

  6. The ceremony and lanterns sound like a great tradition.
    The bird look like an Oriole, there are many species so I am not sure which Oriole. It is very pretty. Love the sky capture! Take care, have a great day!

  7. The no parking sign made me smile, and I like the lantern commemoration.

  8. The lantern ritual would be great to partake in, or just watch.

  9. "Shot in N. California in 2017. Anyone know this bird?"

    Yes. His name is Stanley. He likes to sit in that tree and watch the world go by.

  10. Love that sky and your no parking shots, Cloudia. ;-)

  11. What a wonderful and unique tradition!
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  12. I want to be famous and unknown, too.

    Pixie is most adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  13. ...I was always happy at work!

  14. Dear Cloudia,
    I'm unfortunately stumped by this beautiful bird, but I think David or Eileen could help you. Your quotes and pictures are great again. Happy at work? Unfortunately it wasn't me, but it would have been my dream state. It depends on whether you like the type of work and also on your colleagues. Now I'm happily retired, my favorite job ;-DD I think Pixie has long since found her dream job! The Memorial Day celebrations in Honolulu seem to be very soulful, beneficial and festive.
    All the best, Traude

  15. Nice set of pictures! I think the bird may be a Hooded Oriole - but dont take my word on that!!

    Cheers - Stewart M


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