Saturday, June 8, 2024

Nothing When They Come

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Burst of brilliance
Morning display,
Eclat of light to chase
Spent night away.

A vermeil sash

Across blue velvet sky,
Herald's trumpet
Clear and sharp
And high.
Cloudia Charters

If your manner
doesn't say it,
your words will
sound like lies.

The national Māori flag,
also known as the
Tino Rangatiratanga flag in
reference to the concept of
Representing the Māori people
of New Zealand.
[Selected as the national Māori flag after
a nationwide consultation, 2009]

It is the little things
one bungles at.
The big, real ones are
nothing when they come.
E.M. Forster

Why are cows scared of cars? They’re afraid they might
end up on the grill.

What wisdom can you find
that is greater than kindness?
Jean Jacques Rousseau 



Saturday Critters

Jaipur Garden Affair

Pride  Godzilla

 While Godzilla isn't officially a mascot for Pride, they have been embraced by the LGBTQ+ community and shows up in fun ways to celebrate Pride Month. Godzilla is sometimes seen as an icon for the LGBTQ+ community, due in part to their long history in pop culture and portrayal as a powerful and confident creature, Godzilla being comfortable with masculinity (crushing cities) and femininity (laying eggs)
 is a great Pride Month symbol! 


  1. You and Pixie are both wise and poetic.
    Love Godzilla as an icon for Pride Month.

  2. Where to begin? I love Pixie's words of wisdom and the beautiful shots and the Maori flag and Godzilla, BUT I teach an Asian film class, and the original Godzilla in the 1954 Japanese version of the movie was a warning against nuclear weapons. Godzilla had radioactive breath. The scenes of Tokyo burning from Godzilla's rampage are eerily similar to news reels of Tokyo burning from bombings, and the injured people in the the movie's hospital scene look just like pictures of people in the hospital with radiation burns after the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The director, Ishiro Honda, had fought in WWII, and was sent to Hiroshima to help the relief efforts before being discharged. His experiences in the war and in Hiroshima affected him deeply. He wanted his film to be a warning against nukes. Unfortunately for us, the American version of Honda's film was heavily censored, and all references to nuclear weapons were cut out before it could be shown in US theaters. So now Godzilla is a symbol of Pride and Peace??

  3. Pixie wisdom is absolutely right. Words and actions shall be in uniform.

  4. Thanks very much. T. That was very important and interesting. I want to thank each of you for being here. Love you guys aloha

  5. As usual,
    your words speak for me.
    When I go through your blog, I feel a positive sense of acceptance of all creatures!

  6. Pixie's inscrutable gaze continues to do the trick.

  7. Hello,
    Beautiful sky capture and lovely quotes.
    Pixie is not only cute, she is wise.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  8. The evolution of Godzilla since its original appearance in the 1950s is very fascinating. I’ve seen the first film (at a film festival, not cut) and it’s really powerful. Now — just a toon! That’s culture for you!
    best, mae at

  9. Kindness is always in style! Love your quotes my friend!

  10. Kindness is at the top of my list! Wonderful weekend wishes for you and Pixie, Cloudia.

  11. Your visits and comments are the fuel that keeps us going. Thanks friends! Aloha!

  12. The Godzilla association is new to me. Perhaps it hasn't reached here yet.

  13. Love that 1st shot, Cloudia. Kindness always wins. ;-)

  14. These are wonderful.
    My kids went to NZ. It was amazing. As amazing as your part of the world, I am sure.

  15. I do like the cow joke! Hope all is well.

    Cheers - SM - Melbourne

  16. I love your cow on the griddle riddle too. Thank you for the chuckle. I loved meeting the Maori people when we were in NZ. So cool that we are hosting the Festival of Pacific Arts & Culture now.

  17. Pixies' reflection reveals her alter ego- Batgirl.


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