Friday, July 5, 2024

A Hopeful Phrase

A L O H A From Honolulu!

There was never a night
or a problem that could
defeat sunrise or hope.
Bernard Williams

White Pigeon
When it comes to staying young,
a mind-lift beats a
face-lift any day.
      Marty Bucella

Cymbidium,  boat orchid

People, even more than things, 
have to be restored, renewed, 
revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; 
never throw out anyone.
           Audrey Hepburn

The waving of flags and
the singing of anthems are
poor substitutes for
intelligent citizenship.
Carl Sagan

Patriotism is love of country,
but love of country that
makes you love your countrymen.
James Baldwin

There is gold
through the grays.
A hopeful phrase!

With gentle hands
On a quiet tide,
I release the burdens
Once held inside.

No longer clinging
to shadows in flight,
I release all the clamor
and welcome the light.

In gentle surrender
All wisdom unfolds,
Letting go of the storm,
embraces true gold.

So step into stillness
with heart open wide,
Where acceptance and
gratitude softly reside.
   Cloudia Charters

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Authenticity is having the courage
to let people see you as you really are.
    Charlie Efford


  1. Thanks to you and Pixie for the daily mind lifts. I love that little butterfly girl!

  2. Beautiful skies and pretty flowers!
    Pixie looks very patriotic next to the flag.
    The butterfly girl is cute!
    Take care, have a wonderful day and happy weekend!

  3. Great quote that there is gold through the grays

  4. That Carl Sagan quote is really good and the photo of that butterfly girl at the bottom priceless.

  5. I must echo the comments here. All good quotes on this Independence Day . And that little butterfly girl is absolutely adorable!

  6. The little butterfly is sweet. Good for Carl Sagan, Cloudia. ;-)

  7. The gorgeous butterfly girl certainly lifted my spirits today, Cloudia, as did your poem and the photos. Blessings always!

  8. What a wonderful poem, Cloudia. Carl Sagan is absolutely right and the little girl dressed up as a butterfly is pricelss. Happy weekend to you and Pixie.

  9. Beautiful words and lovely photos especially the little butterfly in the last pic.
    Annie x

  10. Great words for today, and loved seeing Pixie as patriot, as well as sweetest Monarch Butterfly ever!

  11. Acceptance and gratitude are hard to come by these days.

  12. Camus said something very similar to the last quote but my pre coffee brain can't drag it up...Love the Baldwin quote. (Love Baldwin, as a very late discoverer of his work, only 3 years ago). Also fabulous first sunset shot. Magic!! (And I have to say, as I thought it was an Australian thing) it's so disrespectful to wear the flag - we get thongs (shoes) with the flag on them, which is the most disrespectful of them all! And beach towels...seriously. People are weird..Happy 4th of July to you.

  13. Oh gosh! What cutie with the butterfly dress.
    With politics right now, James Baldwin's quote is much needed.
    I really need stillness and calm right now after over a month of dealing with our renovation project.

  14. I always feel restored when I leave here. Each photo from the Islands has a way of doing that for me, also the wise words and now your beautiful poetry :) Adorable little girl in her butterfly costume and sweet little Pixie, such a dear. Hugs to you both :)

  15. Each quote is wise... and give me a Touch of wisdom.
    But most beautiful is the lovely butterfly girl. Love here 🫶❤️
    Hugs by Heidrun


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