Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer Drench

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Oh, the summer night
Has a smile of light
And she sits
on a sapphire throne.
Barry Cornwall

Our sun-drenched hours
O golden stream,
These are the days
We joyfully dream.
Like ruby wine
Our hours flow,
Each shared moment
Gently glows.
             Cloudia Charters

Did you know that
there are over 300
words for ‘love’
in canine?
  Gabrielle Zevin 

There shall be eternal summer
in the grateful heart.
Celia Thaxter

Thank You
For sunshine warm,
For gentle breeze,
For blooming flowers
On the trees.

For patience held
For anger quelled,
For lessons learned
For giants felled.

For life unfolds
In every part,
And gratitude
Fills up the heart.
Thank You


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Linking To

Pixie wishes to add:
As wonderful as dogs can be,
they are famous for missing the point.
    Jean Ferris


  1. Pixie is in fine form today. Thanks for the beautiful post and wise words.

  2. What a beautiful poem by Pixie about gratitude!
    Thank you Cloudia!

  3. ...a summer drench keeps things green.

  4. Hello,
    Your poem is lovely. Pretty photos, the plants and flowers are gorgeous.
    Cute doggie and your Pixie is always a favorite.
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. I was just thinking of dog language and where it intercedes with people's. Since there are trainings where certain words are used to get the dogs to do things like; come, sit, stay, lie down, and roll over (I never went any further with any dogs in my life)...I imaginatively thought that maybe dogs don't hear consonents just vowels. Come becomes "O:, sit is "i", and so on. It's just a thought from my fevered brain.

  6. And I think I wanted to say languages intersect, not intercede.

  7. Thank you for all these wonderful posts. 🙏

  8. What a cute pup and a lovely poem. Thank you!

  9. I loved the poems by Pixie and you, Cloudia. And that first photo? Wow!

  10. Summer nights, summer days...
    The best!

  11. Wonderful Words and photos.
    have a nice evening

  12. Appreciate each comment dear friends 💞

  13. Sweet pup tha I'm sure has many words for love, Cloudia. ;-)

  14. What a fluffy dog and Pixie always takes the cake :)

  15. The doggie looks like a stuffed animal.

  16. Those storm clouds look a little upset. Beautiful photos and words, especially yours sweet Pixie! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  17. Pixie is a lovely cat, she poses so well.

  18. Pixie, you are such a wise cat. We have had so much rain, and so many dark, dreary, rainy days this year. We truly are enjoying some days of sunshine. The sun automatically lift our mood.

  19. I just love your sky photos. You allways nailed them


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