Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pixie Blessing

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Sunrise hues, a painted sky,
A child's laughter, soaring high.
The rain's soft song, a gentle drum,
The warmth of love,
where hearts are one.
Cloudia Charters

Poetry is an echo,
asking a shadow to dance.
Carl Sandburg

May you delight in everything

that comes today. May the child in you stir awake for


and radical Hope.


Elegance is
a glowing inner peace. 
Grace is an ability to give 
as well as to receive 
and be thankful. 
Mystery is a hidden laugh 
always ready to surface! 
Glamour only radiates if 
there is a sublime courage 
& bravery within
          C. JoyBell C.

 It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


  1. Pixie tells a good quote with great images

  2. Love the shadow dance and the bear sculpture.

  3. What an amazing photo of a rainbow sky in the photo before that of Pixie.

  4. So great to see each of you here! It's wonderful to get to know you through your comments and posts. Aloha!

  5. Beautiful photos. Love the child in you and the bear sculpture. It is amazing. Have a super weekend, dear Cloudia and Pixie.

  6. Super photos and quotes. Your cat is just so gorgeous and cute :-D

  7. I was looking through your photos and checking out the quotes. You always find some really good ones Cloudia. Have a super weekend and say hi to Pixie for me.

  8. Please pass on my thanks to Pixie :-)

  9. That is quite a metaphor by Sandburg.

  10. Love the shadow shot and that sculpture of the bears, Cloudia. ;-)

  11. ...that sweetie has an attitude.

  12. Beautiful quotes , Amazing skies, Loved the rainbow pic, bear sculpture looks great.
    Helloo to Pixie :) Happy weekend.

  13. Visiting Pixie and you is always a blessing, Cloudia!

  14. Glowing inner peace...doesn't that sound glorious! Happy weekend to you both!

  15. Great photos and quotes. The shadow shot is awesome.

  16. I love the lizard shadow and the Pixie shot with its quote and the statue of bears! Have a glorious weekend.

  17. You have some wonderful photos posted here. Love the dramatic skies, and the shadow of the lizard.

  18. Is the second photo one of a Gecko? Wow!

  19. Yes, that is a gecko on the shiny side of the leaf. Thanks friends. I enjoy your comments so much!

  20. Hello Cloudia,
    Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. I love the shadow dance shot and the bear sculpture is wonderful. Pixie is always a favorite, so cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.


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