Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Art of Ignoring

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Health flows 
from the happiness 
of the heart. 
  Sicilian Saying

Be grateful for what you already have while you pursue your goals. If you aren't grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more?
Roy T. Bennett

I am proud only of
those days that pass
in undivided tenderness.
   Robert Bly

In a world where whispers
Can drown the mind, Amidst the chaos,
It's clarity we seek to find.
With every noise
That threatens our grace, We learn to filter,
To choose our sacred space.
Like leaves that flutter,
Caught in autumn's breeze,
We sift through distractions,
With practiced ease.
For not all that glitters
Deserves our gaze, And wisdom blooms
In the quietest ways.
So let us cherish
What truly ignites, Our passions and dreams
That soar to new heights.
In the symphony of life
Let silence sing, For in the art of ignoring
Our spirits take wing
             Cloudia Charters 
Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

 Linking To


  1. Your final poem is beautiful - and true. Thank you both.

  2. I'm happy with what I have but I could stand to get rid of some... a lot of it.

  3. Love your poem Cloudia! Beautiful skies.
    The gecko is a pretty color. The rooster is handsome. Pixie is looking cute, but she is always cute. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Great poem Cloudia and wonderful photo's again.

  5. I really enjoyed your poem, as well as the quotes. Your photos are always soothing and beautiful!

  6. Mr. Gecko looks like he's been eating lots of musubi! Linda in Kansas

  7. ...thanks for this Ruby and the Romantics moment.

  8. Love the poem and Pixie & friends, Cloudia. ;-)

  9. I love the poem you wrote too. How inspirational! Happy weekend sweet friend.

  10. I hope you have a good weekend for which to be grateful.

  11. I so agree, Cloudia. If we aren't happy with what we have, nothing worldly will ever satisfy us. Blessings!

  12. I love your poem, Cloudia, and the picture of Pixie showing us how to practice the art of ignoring!

  13. Wonderful. I love what you write.

  14. You friends make my day! Mahalos 🌟

  15. Beautiful photos! Wonderful poem!

  16. That rooster thought he saw a puddy tat.


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