Saturday, August 24, 2024

Three Tigers

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Everything  you believe 
affects everything 
that comes to you.
     Abraham Hicks

To myself I am
 but a small child 
wandering upon the vast shores 
of knowledge, every now 
and then finding 
a small bright pebble 
to content myself with.    

There's no such thing as an uninteresting life. Mark Twain

Joy, rather than happiness,
is the goal of life...
It is based on the experience
of one’s identity as a being
of worth and dignity.
Rollo May

Believe that life is worth living,
and your belief will
help create the fact. William James

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To
Saturday Critters


  1. Hello. Nice photos and quotes.

  2. Thank you (as always) for the wisdom and beauty.

  3. Hello,
    Pretty images and great quotes. The Rollo May is my favorite quote.
    Cute shot of your Pixie! Lovely image of the duck.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. It makes me wonder how Plato knew where to find his pebbles, and Aristotle, and those who taught others back in the ancient days. Maybe they just made things up.

  5. Great quotes today, Cloudia. ;-)

  6. I've always known that you can meet anyone and when you talk, find out how interesting they are and the life they've led. Love your quotes my friend!

  7. Every once in a while I WISH my life was uninteresting!

  8. We should show respect and dignity to all God's people, that's for sure. Have a great weekend, Cloudia!

  9. Pixie looks surprised about the tiger riding in that guy's pack! Great sky shots today.

  10. "Believe that life is worth living..." and you'll live longer.

  11. Lovely photos as usual! Very uplifting post.

  12. Aloha Cloudia I love how you never let anyone dull your sparkle, and share such joy for us all. Hugs to you and Pixie too.


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