Sunday, August 18, 2024

Wonder Of Life

A L O H A From Honolulu!
Even the longest
day has its end.
Irish Proverb

There comes a time
when you have to choose
between turning the page
and closing the book.
 Josh Jameson

Eagle soars, Bull stands strong,
Chrome steed gleams, a country song.
Outside a restaurant curious sight,
Creatures blend in neon light.
Beneath Hawaii skies of blue
A taste of Mexico waits for you!

Life is not always a matter
of holding good cards,
but sometimes playing
a poor hand well.
    Jack London


Love You,

Cloudia & Pixie


Happiness is possible
only when you stop running
and cherish the present
moment and who you are. Who
you are is already a wonder; you
don't need to be someone else.
You are a wonder of life.
            Thich Naht Hanh


  1. Beauty and wisdom, all enjoyed. Thank you my friend.

  2. Beautiful sky and lovely flowers!
    Take care, have a wonderful week ahead.

  3. A little bit on the heavy side but that's life also.

  4. True. Not everyone gets dealt a good hand.

  5. Beautifully wise. Your posts make me feel positive. Love the photos as well. Thank you.

  6. ...make life a wonderful thing.

  7. It is so difficult to live in the present. I keep trying!

  8. Wise words for us today. Love that 1st sky shot, Cloudia. ;-)

  9. Pats to Pixie, and thanks to your post of beautiful images and wise words.

  10. I love Thich Naht Hanh's quote.

  11. Aloha, Cloudia! Pixie is adorable!
    Love the proverb too :)


  12. Your sky photos never cease to amaze me, and I always love Pixie and her wise words. Blessings, Cloudia!

  13. I love the sunset sky shot and Pixie's poem, but her satisfied smirk makes me wonder if that restaurant puts catnip instead of cilantro in its pico de gallo salsa... Or maybe just catnip flavored guacamole??? Inquiring minds would like to know which Mexican foods delight Queen Pixie's palate.

  14. Beautiful quotes and imagery! Each one brings a unique perspective on life's journey. May your week be filled with new pages and moments that shine brightly. Wishing you a wonderful and fulfilling week ahead! Check out my new style post: ( Thank you!

  15. Pixie looks so cute and relaxed posing for the photo. Nice and strong mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  16. wonderful skyview, Mural looks great, Loved Pixie 's pic :)


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